von Marcel | Jan. 28, 2022 | Allgemein, Debatte Europa, Marcel Eichler
On January 11, 2022, the death of President Sassoli was announced to the public. The editorial staff of the EuropaBlog of the Integrated European Studies department of Bremen University expresses its warmest condolences to President Sassoli’s family, friends,...
von Marcel | Nov. 11, 2021 | Allgemein, Debatte Europa, Marcel Eichler
[bilingual post – German version see below] It’s early November, and everyone who follows events in the UK has noticed: People are wearing poppies again. I assume that most of my readers might have noticed it when they saw the news about the G20 or COP26. The...
von Marcel | Juli 9, 2021 | Allgemein, Debatte Europa, Marcel Eichler
One of the most known achievements of EU law is the free movement of people. Officially all EU citizens are allowed to live and work in whatever EU country they choose. As Pride Month 2021 comes to a close, I would like to comment on an article by Euronews regarding...
von Marcel | Mai 5, 2021 | Debatte Europa, Marcel Eichler
In 1787 and 1788, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay published the so-called „Federalist Papers“ using the pseudonym „Publius.“ Their goal was to convince the people of the State of New York to vote for the new Constitution of the...
von Marcel | Feb. 12, 2021 | Allgemein, Debatte Europa, Marcel Eichler
[bilingual post – English version see below] Der Brexit – eine Europäische Odyssee Ein politischer Kommentar von Marcel Eichler 27. Dezember 2020 In der Nacht vom 24. Dezember 2020 verkündeten die Europäische Kommission und H.M. Government (die Britische...