von International Office | Apr. 28, 2020 | Allgemein, Berichte, Länder, Outgoing, Praktikum
This was my first ever Erasmus experience. While I did participate in study abroad before with US universities, this was my first time with in the Erasmus umbrella. Erasmus funding made this internship possible. I am pursuing my Masters in Marine Biology in Bremen. I...
von International Office | Okt. 22, 2019 | Allgemein, Berichte, Länder, Outgoing, Praktikum
I graduated with a marine biology degree from the University of Bremen in March this year. Because I had not decided what kind of career I would pursue (PhD or no PhD? Which field exactly?) an internship abroad seemed like a great opportunity to learn what working in...
von International Office | Apr. 29, 2019 | Allgemein, Berichte, Länder, Outgoing, Praktikum
I joined a group of young and enthusiastic scientists at Aarhus University in order to study the physiology of a polyextremophile bacterium named Natranaerobaculum magadiense. I know that sounds like a lot of complicated words together, but in fact, what I did was to...
von International Office | Juli 9, 2018 | Allgemein, Berichte, Länder, Outgoing, Praktikum
Als Masterstudentin des Studiengangs Marine Biology an der Universität Bremen verschlug es mich im Rahmen meiner Masterarbeit in die gemütliche Studentenstadt Gent in Belgien – mitten im holländisch-sprachigen Flandern. Wie kam es dazu? Tatsächlich...
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