von International Office | Aug. 8, 2023 | Allgemein, Berichte, Länder, Outgoing, Praktikum
Ich habe von Mitte April 2022 bis Mitte Juli 2022 ein Praktikum in der Verbindungsstelle Europapolitik des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes in Brüssel absolviert. Im Rahmen meines Studiums der Integrierten Europastudien an der Universität Bremen habe ich mich...
von International Office | Jan. 3, 2023 | Allgemein, Berichte, Länder, Outgoing, Praktikum
1. The company & Tasks The company is called Unblnd and it is located in Brussels, Belgium. Unblnd is a social meeting app that enables people to connect and socialize based on their personal interests. Unblnd is a startup and the team consists of various cultural...
von International Office | Juni 10, 2022 | Allgemein, Berichte, Länder, Outgoing, Praktikum
The Goal and The Company Since I have been doing my Master’s in Digital Media and Society program at Universität Bremen, my primary purpose of doing an internship was to engage in the practical and professional work in the digital media industry. Thanks to...
von International Office | Apr. 14, 2022 | Allgemein, Berichte, Länder, Outgoing, Praktikum
1. Introduction to the report Students are required to participate in activities that help them gain first-hand experience of the many facets of academic work and practice as part of the Master’s Degree studies in English – Speaking Cultures and the...
von International Office | Okt. 24, 2021 | Allgemein, Berichte, Länder, Outgoing, Praktikum
Mein Name ist Michel, ich studiere “Space Engineering” an der Universität Bremen und habe während meines dritten Master-Semesters ein freiwilliges Auslandspraktikum in Brüssel absolviert. Mit dem folgenden Erfahrungsbericht möchte ich...
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