Recap 2023
Dear friends and readers of the EULe,
2023 is slowly but surely coming to an end and due to that we thought it´s time to look back and remember all the good stuff that happened this year.
For that, we collected a bunch of awesome events and moments that happened this year concerning the EULe that we really want to present to you.
Starting off with the two new members of our team, that joined us at the beginning of this year, Paulina and Britt. Getting to know people and slowly growing together and working with the team has been such a nice experience for us which we are very grateful for.
Growing together didn’t just happened by itself. Of course the nice meetings we had led to all of this. Remember the brunch we had at Farso, the awesome little Cafe in the ,,Viertel“? Meeting at the Christmas market with everyone also had been so much fun! It was all about creating a nice and comfortable working atmosphere, which we certainly did!
Overall we began to not only widen our horizon but to als widen our multimedia content. We didn’t only start filming and sharing more Reels on Instagram, we also created our very first TikTok-Account. We realized how important it is to be present at different platforms, especially when it comes to interactions with our readers. Connecting with people via Instagram definitely helped us improving our articles and making them more readable and interesting for you.
Not to forget: we also were featured and shoutouted by the Mensa as ,,the best instagram account of the month“! Still surprised but for sure grateful for that!
The Sommerfest at the Vorstraße and the occupation of our Hörsaal definitely had als been a highlight of our year 2023. Remember the Krümelmonster walking around and stealing the cookies out of the Keksdose? It was really good to get the chance to write about exciting and interesting events, also to practice writing articles in a journalistic style.
Designing and printing our very first own postcards for the ,,Ersti-Briefe“ and hanging up our posters around the campus had been a very new but also exciting experience for us which didn’t only bring fun for us but without a doubt many new readers to our blog and instagram account.
And the best part? We didn’t just grow as a team professionally; we grew as friends too. The camaraderie within the EULe team made the whole journey even sweeter. We wish all of you very happy holidays with your loved ones, whether you celebrate or not, and cheers to the new year! Here’s to more adventures, more readers, and more DIY Reels in 2024!
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