Quotes for “Storytelling”

Class 1 Lecture:

  • “She then talks about her own experience while working for the Department of School Education and gives examples of opinions of some of the teachers she met in this frame.” (01/09/2015)
  • “[…] L1 tells the students about an incident which happened to her daughter when she was in high school.” (01/09/2015)
  • “She was able to witness such a situation herself when participating in a NAIDOC week event at her daughter’s school.” (01/09/2015)
  • “[…] gives another personal example.” (01/09/2015)
  • “The next point L1 addresses is again linked to an example from her own experience.” (01/09/2015)
  • “L1 then uses another example from her daughter’s education […]” (01/09/2015)
  • “L1 tells the students about a particular problem her son has solved in kindergarten using his tracking skills.” (01/09/2015)
  • “She also uses the situation of her grand-parents as an example for the significance of this specific project.” (06/10/2015)

Class 1 Tutorial:

  • “[…] L2 goes on talking about another personal experience.” (03/09/2015)
  • “She also had a problem finding a school to do her practical experience in Aboriginal Studies in because many schools do not teach it.” (03/09/2015)
  • “She also tells us more about her own teaching experience.” (03/09/2015)
  • “One day she was taking her children to the beach where they got in contact with local primary school children.” (03/09/2015)
  • “She then tells the story of her ex-partner who had to walk several kilometres to school on a dirt road every day.” (03/09/2015)
  • “[…] L2 tells us that she used to have students in her classes who did not know about their family’s background.” (17/09/2015)
  • “After talking about police issues at big Aboriginal events, L2 asks: ‘Did I tell you the story about my husband in 2010?’” (17/09/2015)
  • “She underlines her statement by saying: ‘My grandmother voted.’ […]” (29/10/2015)
  • “[…] she tells the class that a few years ago she was asked to work with an organisation on its RAP and uses this as a starting point to explain what a RAP can look like and what has to be done to put one together.” (29/10/2015)
  • “She also made an interesting experience while teaching a class in 1993 where the students perceived something that was normal to her as ‘history’.” (29/10/2015)
  • “She then tells the story of her sister’s practical training at a school and the way she worked with her pupils on Aboriginal topics.” (29/10/2015)
  • “Once, her son, for example, played at the beach with other children from a different culture background and learned so much from it.” (29/10/2015)

Interview with L2:

  • “I’m able to remember the stories of my elders to what academics have researched and written.”
  • “A::nd quite often I’m able to () tell a story about each topic ehm that that we discuss in class.”
  • “I will tend to provide more ehm of my experiences as an Aboriginal teacher.”

Interview with S1:

  • “Whereas in the tutorial our teacher speaks more personally. About her own life and experiences.”
  • “I think our teacher just talks about herself personally whereas most teachers () don’t bring in like () () their personal lives. I’ve noticed a lot of my teachers have () ehm brought in their personal lives bu:t I- Like my environmental science teacher does kind of break that rule. And then my theatre teacher did. My linguistics teacher doesn’t.”
  • “L2 tells stories.”
  • “So I think having a teacher that purposefully asks questions to challenge you or tell stories about themselves and that allows you to challenge them – that’s a good method of teaching.”

Interview with S3:

  • “I would say () L2 mostly tells ehm a lot of stories and personal aspects.”
  • “it’s mostly like the () regular lecture ehm but ehm history and a lot of stories.”
  • “I was just getting more personal stories”
  • “they just want us to share stories”

Class 2 Lecture:

  • “[…] talks about a friend who helps people to reconnect with their families.” (27/08/2015)
  • “When stating that everyone is entitled to them, he tells us that his father used to say that even the blackbird outside the window had Human Rights.” (03/09/2015)
  • “When he talks about a certain UN body he tells the class that he has been to one of its meetings.” (03/09/2015)
  • “He has also attended a different meeting on UN level which he repeatedly calls “very interesting”. He explains the seating order of the different countries’ governments and indigenous representatives to show their different attitudes.” (03/09/2015)
  • “[…] L3 tells the class about a friend who created an NGO to underline how much work and luck it includes […]” (03/09/2015)
  • “[…] L3 talks about an article he once found which discussed why smoking is good for you.” (29/10/2015)
  • “[…] L3 uses the example of an expert meeting in Geneva he attended.” (29/10/2015)
  • “[…] L3 tells us that he once sat down with him to discuss what to do (29/10/2015)

Interview with L3:

  • “you’re sharing your life and you’re sharing your experiences”
  • “I try to share lived experiences if possible.”
  • “I’m also a big fan of narrative so I love the idea of talking. Love the idea of storytelling. Love the idea of sharing. Lived experiences.”
  • “But again at the same time I do try to tell me stories to kind of connect to the abstract concepts with my audience as well.”
  • “I can tell a story but I’m not a great storyteller.”

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