
Peers is a term which both L2 and L3 use in their interview to express that they do not see themselves as superiour to their students (Interview with L2 & Interview with L3). It is closely linked to the idea of a relationship between teachers and students which is discussed as a separate category.

As L2 sees herself as “part of the group” (Interview with L2), she prefers to sit with the students rather than in front of the class (Interview with L2). In her opinion, it would be even better, if the classroom would provide the possibility to sit in a circle because ““if you’re in a circle there’s no leader […] And everybody is equal […] including the teacher” (Interview with L2).

In addition to this physical representation of equality, both L2 and L3 also put themselves on one level with the students through certain comments they make. Both tutors frequently admit that their knowledge is not all encompassing (e.g. Class 1: Tutorial 27/08/2015 & Interview with L3) and that they, as well, make mistakes (Class 1: Tutorial 29/10/2015 & Class 2: Lecture 27/08/2015). Therefore, not only the students are learning from the tutors but also vice versa. They share knowledge. In addition, L2 tells the class that she has been very nervous the first time she was holding a lecture in order to calm down a nervous student (Class 1: Tutorial 03/09/2015). Furthermore, S1 feels that the stories which L2 tells allow the students to question and challenge her instead of accepting her as a higher authority (Interview with S1).

The fact that the lecturers and tutors seem to be standing on the same level as the students makes them more accessible and contributes to the positive learning environment.

For a full list of quotes relating to being peers, please click here.

To get an overview over all categories and further explanations, please click here.

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