Information in English

Go to Programme
Go to Cultural programme
Go to Programme structure
Go to Pricing and registration
Go to Theme Ent|grenz|ungen
Go to Status of the planning of the Congress in Bremen
Go to Overview of involved people
Go to Pre-conference
Go to Awareness
Go to Formats at the Bremen Congress
Go to Submission deadline and selection process
Go to Criteria and weightings for the evaluation of submissions
Go to CfP for Postersession
Go to Templates for the Mantelabstract
Go to FAQs concerning contributions


The detailed congress programme was available in ConfTool until the end of 2022. You can download the detailed programme as pdf.

German is the main language of this congress. Some of the events will be held in English.
Following the review process of the DGfE Programme Commission, 178 of the 258 submitted contributions were accepted (63 symposia, 74 working groups, 41 research forums). Of these, 34 are contributions with English-language participation, 18 of them in English only.
Of the 164 posters submitted, the Poster-AG and surveyors of the University of Bremen have selected 95 posters, which will be presented in twelve thematic clusters. Three English-language posters are represented in the poster session.

The invited speakers of the keynote lectures will be:

Opening lecture on March 14, 2022:
Sara Ahmed (Independent scholar): Losing Your Hand: Complaint, Common Sense and Other Institutional Legacies [held in English]

Parallel keynote lectures on March 15, 2022:
Hermann Josef Abs (Universität Duisburg Essen): Grenzen von politischer Bildung und Demokratieerziehung
Donja Amirpur (Hochschule Niederrhein): Die ‚westliche Diagnostik‘ und ihr Anderes: migrantisierte Kindheiten in der Praxis ‚der Inklusion‘
Karin Büchter (Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg): Entgrenzung von Arbeit, Begrenzung durch Bildung? (W)Ende einer Beziehung
Margret Dörr (Katholische Hochschule Mainz): Morsche Grenzen in der Rede von »Nähe und Distanz« im Kontext pädagogischer Professionalität
Christoph Wulf (Freie Universität Berlin): Grenzen und Entgrenzungen in Bildungsprozessen im Anthropozän. Perspektiven aus der multilateralen Arbeit der UNESCO

Parallel keynote lectures on March 16, 2022:
Mustafa Yunus Eryaman (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, president of the World Education Research Association – WERA): Shaping Future Schools with Big Data: Towards Evidence Informed School Evaluation
Sandra Hofhues
(Fernuniversität Hagen): Digitalisierung und Hochschulbildung. Ordnungen eines Felds unter Pandemie-Bedingungen
Edwin Keiner (Goethe Universität Frankfurt): Ent|grenz|ungen der Allgemeinen Erziehungswissenschaft – Grenzen, Übergänge, Übersetzungen, Anschlüsse
Andreas Wernet (Leibniz Universität Hannover): Pädagogische Entgrenzung: Empirische Impressionen und professionalisierungstheoretische Implikationen
Marc Willmann (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg): Gibt es eine „richtige“ Pädagogik in der „falschen“? Zur Frage der Überwindung disziplinärer Grenzziehungen zwischen Allgemeiner und Sonderpädagogik durch eine „Inklusionspädagogik”

You can find videos of the ten parallel lectures of the congress publicly accessible here.

Cultural programme

We are pleased to share the artistic performances produced especially for the Congress and in coordination with the Local Organising Committee on our website.

The congress opened with a performance by Andor Rusu, Young-Won Song, Aaron Samuel Davis, a dance trio from the Theater am Goetheplatz in Bremen. They presented a choreography created exclusively for the congress, directed by Andor Rusu, which took up the theme of “Entgrenzungen” (dissolution of boundaries) in dance. Their interpretation of the congress theme, musically accompanied by Shane Fee on the piano, is captured by the camera from different visual perspectives.

Piano: Shane Fee, Camera: Karl Rummel

The Bremen guitarist Aladdin Haddad recorded his own composition “River of Thoughts” in the auditorium of a Bremen cabaret theatre especially for the Bremen DGfE Congress. The recording was presented publicly for the first time at the social evening of the DGfE Congress and is thus a premiere.

The trio goraSon consisting of Karin Christoph (violin), Miroslav Grahovac-Bajan (accordion) and Reinhard Röhrs (double bass) play for us the piece “2nd Avenue Square Dance”, which they recorded especially for the get together evening of the Bremen DGfE Congress in the theatre hall of the University of Bremen. The artists describe their music as lively Balkan dance music, enriched with the exciting sounds of Astor Piazzolla and a mix of Yiddish tangos with Latin American rhythms and Klezmer music. They want to give their audience an energetic journey through the multi-layered music of Eastern Europe.

Singer Nihan Devecioglu has put together a concert exclusively for the start of the last day of the Bremen DGfE Congress. She sings for us:

Beautiful Day – Improvisation

Beata Viscera Maria Virginis by Pérotin (12th c. Notre Dame, Paris)

Yagmur Yagar Taş Üstüne (traditional song from Turkey)

Improvisation with kalimba

Istanbul’u dinliyorum (poem by Orhan Veli (1914-1950, Istanbul), music: Nihan Devecioglu)

A live cultural programme as well as on-demand offers were accessible during the congress. If you have any questions about the cultural programme, please contact the responsible working group at

On-demand programme

On the congress platform ( you will find a rich cultural programme from institutions in Bremen and Bremerhaven. It includes city tours, art exhibitions and podcasts, among other offers.

Live programme

Monday 14 March 2022: Five German-language events will take place from 5pm to 6pm. You can register for these events when you register in ConfTool.

Tuesday 15 March 2022: The Congress Get-together starting at 8 pm will feature several musical contributions by artists from Bremen. This will be followed by DJs from the field of Education Research.

Wednesday 16 March 2022: The day will open at 9 am with a musical programme by Nihan Devecioglu. More information will follow.

Programme structure

The programme of the digital DGfE Congress will have the following structure (Subject to change): The programme structure is available for download.

The programme structure is also available for screen readers.

Pricing and registration

Registration for the congress will be possible via ConfTool from October 8, 2021.

Here you can find the price overview readable for screen readers.

Here you can download the price overview.

Information about pricing

The first digital congress in the history of the DGfE opens up many new possibilities for all of us – precisely because it is digital. For example, more international colleagues can take part and it is easier to combine it with other professional and family commitments. At the same time, it is associated with costs, which are no lower due to the digital format than if it were held on site. The entire preparation and implementation of this congress, which is independent of third-party funding (such as financing the salaries of the management, digital platforms, student assistants, cultural programme, etc.), is predominantly financed by the participation fees for the congress. This explains why the participation fee, which is to be understood as solidarity, has to cover our costs. In return, you can expect a congress of a special kind with the breadth of the usual stimulating range of events and some ‘digital’ surprises. Rest assured: Informal exchange, which many people associate with the DGfE Congress, will not be neglected either.

The self-conception of the DGfE Congress is that of a members’ congress, primarily intended by members for members. Of course, people outside the DGfE are also welcome at the congress. In order to be able to finance the congress, it is necessary that all those involved in the symposia, working groups and research forums also pay the participation fee.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide day tickets for this congress, as this would be technically difficult to implement in the digital format of the congress.

If it is not possible for invited guests from abroad, primarily from the global south, to pay the full participation fee, we would ask you to first check whether the inviting university can pay for the participation fee. If this is not possible, you are welcome to contact us and use the status “International contributors with concessionary status” when registering in ConfTool. The lowest price category will then apply.

CfP Ent|grenz|ungen. 
DGfE-Congress 2022 Bremen

The theme of the 2022 DGfE-Congress is “Ent|grenz|ungen”[1], and will focus on trends that impose or remove boundaries in the context of education, upbringing and socialization. The definition, development and transcending of boundaries – both literal and figurative – can be understood as a core task of education and upbringing. Here one could think of spatial, temporal, disciplinary, paradigmatic, political, social, cultural and other boundaries. In the face of profound social changes, boundaries and the overcoming thereof become increasingly central challenges of the Anthropocene epoch. Within the boundaries of what is practically feasible and what is ethically justifiable, educational research is faced with multifaceted tasks, not least in its responsibility for the shaping of Lifeworlds. Using the metaphor Ent|grenz|ungen at the DGfE-Congress 2022 at the University of Bremen, we hope to create space for a discussion of boundaries, limitations, border demarcation, border violations, border crossings and removal of boundaries in the context of educational research. In particular, the question arises as to what contribution educational research can make as a discipline by building on previous research findings, and what responsibility educational practitioners should assume within their field to respond to, and moderate, the phenomenon of Ent|grenz|ungen.

Globalization, digitization, climate change and migration are four social phenomena that have a direct impact on almost all fields of educational practice and research. The phenomena call into question both seemingly self-evident facts and responsibility of educational research in shaping (or helping to shape) these processes.

Thus, globalization challenges us to determine, in both a current and historical sense, the relationship between global and local factors influencing the framework and processes of education and socialization, both nationally and transnationally. Knowledge, goods and people all cross borders, both physically and digitally. They thus contribute to a ‘shrinking’ of the world, an increase in the exchange of ideas, knowledge and goods, and the enablement of relationships and interactions across borders. At the same time, however, this is accompanied by uncertainties. These can arouse fears and trigger new demarcations, and a retreat into a manageable locality, or may stabilize trust in the promises of security made by authoritarian, anti-democratic and anti-pluralist movements. What explanatory and action-based approaches are provided by social analyses and preventative activities?

Digitization opens up new and accelerating possibilities for networking, overcomes limitations of place and time as well as access to knowledge, and thus also opens up new opportunities for self-directed learning formats. It also allows scientific cooperation worldwide in real-time and thus promotes international networking. However, it also calls into question the future significance of local knowledge hubs and the extent to which such Ent|grenz|ungen can enable local characteristics to endure. This raises questions about inequality arising from digitization, about newly created boundaries, but also about opportunities and new possibilities for overcoming boundaries.

Global climate change, the life-threatening consequences of which affect the global South disproportionately more than the North and thus highlight inequality in a particular way, raises questions as to the capacity and limitations of educational researchers debate. This brings into focus both the limited resources of our world and the solutions that will be required to deal with drastic changes of both Lifeworld and physical environment.

The increase in global migration movements indicates that people are willing or forced – sometimes at the risk of their lives – to cross national borders in order to secure their own and their relatives’ future. This is supported by transnational networks, which challenge the classical understanding of nation-state boundaries and distinctions, and offer the chance to overcome hegemonic epistemologies. How does educational reserach approach the dichotomy between, on the one hand, education and upbringing mediated by the nation-state and on the other, parallel transformations that challenge them in societies shaped by migration? What role do informal and non-formal institutions often present in civil society play in developing new opportunities for education and upbringing?

The concept of Ent|grenz|ungen has further relevance beyond the quartet of issues described above. For example, it is hard to imagine defining the pedagogical responsibility without reference to the demarcation of boundaries between generations. At the same time, a growing Ent|grenz|ung in pedagogy can be observed in the form of the contemporary human expectation and capacity for continuous, indeed lifelong, learning. Accordingly, the considerations of educational research now encompass all phases and areas of people’s lives. In this context, various questions arise: What contribution do educational and training institutions, with their specific structures and routines, make in consciously or unconsciously defining the limits of their intended outcomes in training, education and upbringing? What do these questions mean for the demands on professional activity and the variety of tasks that go along with it on the different levels of educational and training institutions and extracurricular educational and/or training provision?

By engaging with the global influencing factors outlined above, we can identify characteristics of and interactions with the concept of Ent|grenz|ungen that are highly relevant for educational research. These will be examined discursively as well as constructively within the framework of the Congress. The Congress in Bremen hopes to address these and similar questions about the consequences that arise from tendencies of Ent|grenz|ungen for educational science and its reference institutions from a historical as well as a contemporary perspective. We invite you to adopt, examine and develop the metaphor of Ent|grenz|ungen from the different perspectives of educational science.

Status of the planning of the Congress in Bremen [updated in August 2021]:

With this call we would also like to inform you about the status of the planning of the Congress in Bremen:

The submitted contributions were reviewed and a decision is made by the Programme Commission. The congress programme will be published in September.
Registration for the congress will be open from October 8, 2021.

Due to the unabated planning uncertainty for major events, the local organising committee for the DGfE-Congress 2022 in Bremen has decided, in consultation with the DGfE-Board, to hold the DGfE-Congress 2022 digitally.

The reason for this decision are currently pending specifications, especially regarding rooms and technical equipment, which could not be made without risks of failure. Under the given circumstances, the changeover to a digital congress format is the only way to prepare for the congress independently of the further pandemic situation.

According to current planning, the cost of the Congress will be covered entirely from participation fees, as has been the case on previous occasions. The fee for the purely digital programme will be adjusted accordingly.

Formats at the Bemen Congress

The digital version of the 28th Congress of the DGfE will still offer numerous traditional formats for exchange of information and debate on the Congress theme and other relevant contemporary topics in educational science. In addition to concurrent lectures, symposia, working groups, research forums and a poster session will be on offer.

The main characteristic of the symposia will be a focused thematic relation to the Congress theme. Working groups, research forums and poster sessions, on the other hand, can be arranged more freely in their choice of topics. The establishment of thematic forums and ad hoc groups was deliberately avoided in the planning phase to reduce complexity.

The parallel lectures in plenary are intended to frame the context of the DGfE-Congress, and these speakers are personally invited by the DGfE-Board and the local organisation team.

Symposia (150 min.) are directly related to the Congress theme and should comprise a maximum of four research presentations, wherein at least one presentation is to be given by a researcher in the qualification phase. Internationality and interdisciplinarity are also desirable when selecting speakers for the symposia.

Working groups (120 min.) are thematically free by design, but should relate in some way to the Congress theme. There are no rules for the selection of speakers for the working groups, but the participation of scientists in qualification phases is just as welcome, as is the participation of international colleagues or international working groups. Applications for English-speaking working groups are also expressly welcome.

Research forums (120 min.) are free in terms of content and form. They offer national and international research projects or networks as well as groups of young researchers or doctoral students an opportunity for professional exchange.

The posters serve to present educational research work, projects and plans in a visually accessible and, at the same time, interactive form. Particularly of interest is work that has not yet been published. The separate call for posters can be found at: We would like to explicitly invite researchers in qualification phases to submit posters. Posters will be presented digitally in a 90-minute session. During the session, at least one member of the group responsible for each poster should be available for discussion. The poster to be presented must be submitted by the authors in advance in PDF format.

Submission deadline and selection process

The Program Commission appointed by the DGfE-Board will select the papers to be presented at the 28th DGfE-Congress in Bremen from all submissions on the basis of anonymous review by the reviewers of the sections and commissions. Contributions must be submitted online via ConfTool no later than April 23, 2021. Exceptions are the poster abstracts, which can be submitted via ConfTool until August 31, 2021. Further details on the process (such as the review criteria) are available on the Bremen Congress website: Notifications of acceptance or rejection of papers for the different formats (except for posters) will be sent at the end of July 2021.

In order to enable active participation in the 28th DGfE-Congress of as many colleagues as possible, multiple appearances as a speaker in symposia and working groups are prohibited during the Congress. Only one presentation may be given per person across both event formats. However, if the program structure allows it, it is possible to participate in the organization and implementation of other Congress events as a discussant or moderator in addition to the presentation in one of these formats.

Submitting papers

The ConfTool platform for submitting papers is available since the end of March 2021.

For the submission of symposia, research forums and working groups, a maximum character count of 4,000 (including spaces) is set for the Mantelabstract (abstract describing the common focus of the group contribution), and a maximum of 1,500 characters (including spaces) for the abstracts for each contributing paper.

Pre-conference [updated in September 2021]

Traditionally, additional events will take place on the Sunday before the main conference, especially for early career researchers. The 28th DGfE-Congress in Bremen offers here, for the first time, the format of a pre-conference for all interested, in the spirit of the guiding metaphor of Ent|grenz|ungen.
The event will include a welcoming session for all pre-conference participants, followed by four parallel, topic-focused fishbowl discussions with impulse-giving presentations:
– Fishbowl A: Researching and teaching in relations of difference
– Fishbowl B: Sensitive research data management
– Fishbowl C: International research collaboration
– Fishbowl D: Sustainable working conditions in science
Please note: The pre-conference will be held in German language only.

Bremen in February 2021
The Local Organizing Committee of the 28th DGfE-Congress 2022 at the University of Bremen and the Executive Board of the German Educational Research Association (DGfE)

[1] The term Ent|grenz|ungen can loosely be translated as the phenomenon in which, either through deliberate action or societal change, borders or boundaries (whether conceptual or physical) can be said to be abolished or dissolved.

Download the CfP

Awareness concept

What to do if you experience discrimination?

If – despite our efforts to raise awareness – you experience discrimination during the congress, there are two ways to deal with it:

Option 1

You address the discriminatory practice directly. If this is not possible publicly in the Zoom room, it can be done in the private chat or in the general chat at Zoom.

Option 2

If it is not possible for you to address the experience directly, but you do not want to be alone, you can talk about the situation with others. The Awareness Team will support you. The members of the awareness team are diversity-sensitive and have counselling experience.

The following support services are available:

Empowerment spaces

At the end of each congress day, different zoom rooms will be available for 1.5 hours.

Sunday, 13.03., 17.30 – 19.00
Monday, 14.03., 17.30 – 19.00
Tuesday, 15.03., 18.30 – 20.00
Wednesday, 16.03., 17.00 – 18.30

These rooms are password-protected and will be moderated. The facilitators are people with similar experiences of discrimination and/or professionally trained people with experience in empowerment. We are aware that experiences of discrimination cannot always be clearly assigned to one of the following forms of discrimination, but the assignment makes it easier to advise and support you in your concerns.

The following spaces will be available for discriminatory experiences that may occur during the congress:

– Space for people who experience racist discrimination (participation in English possible, moderator: Dr. Cassandra Ellerbe; website in English:

– Space for people who experience ableist / anti-disability discrimination (moderator: Rebecca Maskos; website in German:

– Space for people who experience discrimination of classism (moderator: Yasmin Zakouri; website in German:

– Space for people who experience sexist discrimination (moderator: Theresia Turinsky und Sabine Rotte; website in German:

The aim of these spaces is empowerment, concretely this means among other things:

– the possibility to exchange experiences of discrimination and violations and the recognition of the feelings associated with them

– the experience of solidarity

– empowerment

– Developing strategies to deal with the injuries caused by discrimination.

You can access the rooms via a zoom link. The request is made via the mail address:

Accompaniment in acute situations

For urgent cases, a short-term exchange with a member of the awareness team is also possible beyond the corresponding rooms at fixed times. You can contact them at this e-mail address

Please briefly describe your concern:
– What happened?
– If possible, please document the boundary violation
– For example, in case you are harassed in the chat at Zoom: Take screenshots or take pictures of the screen and send us these pictures in your mail

A member of the awareness team will contact you within half an hour (during congress time) and offer you one of the specially equipped Zoom rooms for a personal exchange.

The empowerment spaces are made possible by the financial support of the Max Träger Foundation.

Logo of Max Träger Foundation


A large number of very different people come together at this congress. The diversity of all, both on a personal and professional level, is a great enrichment for the event. This is possible above all if everyone feels comfortable and safe and can participate well. That is why we, as organisers, ask you to take responsibility together for a positive coexistence.

A working group of the Local Organising Committee has therefore developed an awareness concept to support us all in keeping aspects of an accessible and discrimination-sensitive event in mind. The Awareness Team are members of the Inclusive Education Unit at FB 12: Marie-Desiree Feldmeier, Maika Hartwig (SHK), Katharina Hoge, Berna Keser (SHK), Prof. Dr. Frank Müller, Dr. Eileen Schwarzenberg & Ira Schumann.

What does “awareness” actually mean?
The term “awareness” comes from the English phrase “to be aware” and means to be aware, to be informed about a certain problem. In our context, it is above all about being mindful and respectful of each other. We value the diversity of all people at the congress and want to create a safe space for professional and personal exchange.

We want to raise awareness of the fact that our society is characterised by unequal power relations in which some people are advantaged (privileged) or disadvantaged (discriminated against) on the basis of various characteristics. This often happens without intention or even completely unconsciously. No one is free from discriminating against others.

Many situations of discrimination are relatively subtle and difficult to recognise for those who are not affected by them. For members of structurally discriminated groups, however, these situations are a daily test of endurance in communication and cooperation. Various characteristics can be described by which we can be privileged or disadvantaged (e.g. level of education, age, geographical origin, financial situation, skin colour, state of health). Also during the congress, people with very different experiences of privilege and disadvantage will meet. This can play a role, for example, when it comes to self-confidence, speaking shares and “professional authority”. It is often easier for people with certain privileges to take or get space (linguistically). Privileges influence who is taken seriously, who has the power of interpretation, who is listened to (longer) and who is allowed to speak without interruption. We would like to invite you to further sensitise yourself to this topic.

With our awareness concept, we explicitly oppose all forms of discrimination, violence and boundary violations – regardless of whether they are intentional or occur through habit or carelessness. This requires that we all reflect on our (communicative) behaviour, respect the boundaries of others and take a stand when the boundaries of others are (or could be) violated. This is what we as organisers stand for. At the same time, we want to encourage everyone to communicate their own boundaries clearly. We want to empower people affected by discrimination and transgressions and support them in developing strategies for dealing with their experiences during the congress.

How do we want to deal with each other at the congress?
We expect all participants of the congress to treat each other with respect and consideration. We want a climate in which everyone can have their say and we can learn from each other. Different perspectives, different bodies of knowledge should come together productively. Listen to each other respectfully and let others finish what they have to say. Be open to others’ positions as long as they do not express discrimination or transgression. Be mindful and try to understand when boundaries or discrimination are named.

Answers to FAQs concerning contributions

Individual contributions:

It is not possible to submit individual contributions. Thematic forums in which individual contributions are bundled will not take place at this congress, as the organisation of thematic forums and ad hoc groups was deliberately avoided in the planning phase to reduce complexity. The individual speakers of the parallel lectures will be invited by the DGfE. Submissions are not possible.

Language of contributions:

Contributions are possible in German and English


You can download a template for the Mantelabstract (abstract describing the common focus of the group contribution) here: docx-document for Word and odt-document for Open Office. The Mantelabstract is uploaded in ConfTool in the second step after filling the ConfTool fields for the individual contributions.

Maximum character count:

For the submission of symposia, research forums and working groups, a maximum character count of 4,000 (including spaces) is set for the Mantelabstract (abstract describing the common focus of the group contribution), and a maximum of 1,500 characters (including spaces) for the abstracts for each contributing paper.

Multiple appearances:

At the DGfE-Congresses there is a restriction on multiple appearances for symposia and working groups. Speakers may only give a paper in one symposium or one working group. Only the presenting authors are affected by the ban on double appearances. These are indicated by a corresponding tick in the submission form. Non-presenting co-authors can be listed without resulting in the contribution being marked as a “double appearance” (multiple passive co-authorship is permitted). Passive co-authors will, of course, also be named in the programme if their contribution is accepted.
Please take this rule into account when submitting your paper. Only peer-reviewed papers can be presented at the congress. This means that new contributions cannot be subsequently included in an event if a speaker decides to attend a different event. However, it is possible for a person previously marked as a co-author to take over the presentation. Nevertheless, it is not possible to change the title or abstract.
Participation in the poster session or research forums do not count as multiple appearances.

Qualification phase:

The qualification phase includes both doctorate and habilitation. When submitting a symposium, it must be indicated in ConfTool which contributions are made by researchers in qualification phase.


For bibliographic references, any short citation in the abstract is sufficient. There is no need to include a bibliography. Bibliographic references in the abstracts count as part of the abstract with regard to the maximum character count.

Criteria and weightings for the evaluation of submissions:

Originality (15%): Is the contribution original in terms of e.g. theory development, methodological approach, findings, argumentation structure, innovativeness?
Relevance (30%): Symposia: Is it a contribution relevant to the congress topic and scientific research? Research forums/working groups: Is the contribution relevant to educational research, educational profession or education policy?
Stringence (Rigour) (35%): Is the argumentation systematic, well-founded and stringent? Is the aim of the contribution clear? Do the individual contributions of the symposium/research forum/working group fit together conceptually?
Presentation (10%): How is the quality of the presentation? (Language, Formalia)
Overall recommendation (10%): How is the overall quality of the contribution?

Call for Posters

Update in February 2022:
Two poster prizes will be awarded during the congress: A poster prize of the DGfE in cooperation with the publishing house Barbara Budrich ( and an audience prize. For the audience award, each poster can be rated on the congress platform ( The prizes will be presented during the farewell ceremony on Wednesday at 16:15.

Jury for the Poster Award
Prof. Dr. Robert Baar
Dr. Franziska Bonna
Barbara Budrich
Prof. Dr. Elke Kleinau
Prof. Dr. Anne Levin (Chair)

The 28th Congress of the German Educational Research Association will take place in Bremen from March 13 to 16, 2022. The thematic focus of the congress will be on the topic of Ent|grenz|ungen (see Call for Papers).

The congress will be carried out digital. Different formats will be offered to exchange information, opinions and to engage in controversial discussions.

The poster session will take place digitally on March 14, 2022 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Posters allow to digitally present and illustrate research projects and plans in education in a form that is both graphic and interactive.

Especially researchers in qualification stages are invited to submit their poster contributions in order to discuss them with other congress participants and to exchange views. The contributions may refer to the topic Ent|grenz|ungen but are not bound to this topic.

Innovative work related to the methodological approach is just as welcome as research projects that are oriented towards current problems.

All congress participants are invited to take part in the central digital poster session during the congress, to engage with current topics and to discuss their work with the authors.

In this time slot, the posters will be exhibited in topic-specific digital spaces and moderated by the respective reviewers. In a short presentation (pitch), the authors will present their central issue. This will be followed by an in-depth presentation and discussion with the recipients in so-called break-out rooms.

At least one author from the responsible working group should be present for the presentation and the subsequent discussion.

Poster contributions can be submitted until  August 31, 2021 via ConfTool.

Submissions should not exceed 2500 characters (including spaces). To facilitate attribution to specific topics, we ask that you include at least three and no more than five keywords. Notifications about acceptance/rejection of the poster submissions will be sent out by mid-November 2021.

The poster to be exhibited should be available in digital form by 31st January at the latest, so that they can be made visible and accessible in a digital format (including text description) during the conference. Furthermore, it is possible to supplement the poster with additional forms of presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) in order to take advantage of the digital environment and to focus on specific content areas.

A prize for the best poster will also be awarded at the 28th DGfE-Congress in cooperation with the publishing house Barbara Budrich. In addition, there will be an audience award, which will be determined by the votes of the participants.

Download the Call for Posters.

Involved people

Local organising committee (LOK)

Prof. Dr. Alisha Heinemann
Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoglu
Prof. Dr. Nadine Rose

Extended Local organising committee

Prof. Dr. Michael Gessler
Dr. Anja-Christina Greppmair
Dr. Ida Kristina Kühn
Lisa Meyne
Sophia Roppertz

Congress Dinner
Prof. Dr. Hilke Pallesen
Prof. Dr. Meike Wulfmeyer

Poster Session
Prof. Dr. Anne Levin
Dr. Katja Meyer-Siever
Till Rümenapp

Jury for the Poster Award
Prof. Dr. Robert Baar
Dr. Franziska Bonna
Barbara Budrich
Prof. Dr. Elke Kleinau
Prof. Dr. Anne Levin (Chair)

Cultural programme
Prof. Dr. Robert Baar
Bisera Mlandenovska
Therese Papperitz
Sven Trostmann
Soner Uygun

Prof. Dr. Frank Müller
Dr. Eileen Schwarzenberg
Prof. Dr. Anja Starke

Social Media and Digital
Verena Honkomp-Wilkens
Patrick Jung
Melissa Windler
Prof. Dr. Karsten Wolf

Publishers’ exhibition
Dr. Jacqueline Eidemann
Dr. Antje Handelmann
Prof. Dr. Christian Palentien

Training of student assistants
Katrin Klieme
Prof. Dr. Florian Schmidt-Borcherding
Dr. Thomas Lehmann

Programme Commission of the DGfE

Prof. Dr. Stephan Abele
Prof. Dr. Michaela Gläser-Zikuda
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Fuchs
Prof. Dr. Alisha Heinemann
Prof. Dr. Christiane Hof
Prof. Dr. Elke Kleinau (Chair)
Prof. Dr. Sascha Neumann
Prof. Dr. Tanja Sturm

Office of the DGfE

Susan Derdula-Makowski


Tobias Linnemann
Marion Schmincke-Koch

Student assistant

Maike Onken

Support for the organisation

Dr. Ulrich Salascheck

Cooperations within the University of Bremen

Event Management at the University of Bremen
Centre for Multimedia in Teaching at the University of Bremen (ZMML)
IT-Abteilung Faculty 12
Zentrum für Netze (ZfN)
Arbeitsstelle gegen Diskriminierung und Gewalt – Expertise und Konfliktberatung (ADE)
Project „Barrierearmes Lernen und Lehren Online“ (BALLON)
Patrick Jung, Research assistant at Faculty 12 (production of welcome film, development of tutorials with students as part of a seminar)
Hochschulmarketing (KOMMA)
Marcella Becker, Staff member of the University of Bremen (Moving break)

Cooperations outside the University of Bremen

Hannes Geiger (Design)
mcc Events (Congress-Plattform)
Spatial Chat
Diana Meier-Soriat (Sketchnotes Pre-Conference)
Manuela Wille (Simultaneous translation Opening Ceremony)
Angelika Gollnik (German live subtitling Opening Ceremony)
Laure Estival (Camera)
Café Unique (Catering)
Dance ensemble from the Bremen Theatre directed by Andor Rusu
Trio GoraSon
Alladdin Haddad
Nihan Devecioğlu
Cassandra Ellerbe (Workshop Facilitation Empowerment Space on racist Discrimination)
Rebecca Maskos (Workshop Facilitation Empowerment Space on ableistic Discrimination)
Yasmin Zakouri (Workshop Facilitation Empowerment Space on classism Discrimination)
Theresia Turinsky und Sabine Rotte (Workshop Facilitation Empowerment Space on sexist Discrimination)
MST Medien-Systemtechnik
EVEN-T-s Veranstaltungstechnik
Kenzler Conference Management (Financial services)
Datenschutz Nord