Quotes for “Opinions”

Class 1 Lecture:

  • “She shows several examples, describes them, points out aspects she sees as particularly interesting.” (25/08/2015)
  • “She then presents the view of three people from public life on Aboriginal policies by quoting them directly.” (25/08/2015)
  • “gives examples of opinions of some of the teachers she met in this frame.” (01/09/2015)
  • “She first gives some information about ideas of housing and the Aboriginal housing situation.” (06/10/2015)
  • “[…] she tells the students to watch the two videos presenting opinions about this topic at home […]” (06/10/2015)
  • “It is an artwork done by school children, she explains, and what she loves about it is that the people on it have really weird feet and no noses.” (27/10/2015)
  • “[…] L1 answers, adding her own assumptions where she is not sure.” (27/10/2015)
  • “Something else which is worth noticing, she says […]” (27/10/2015)
  • “L1’s further explanations on Close The Gap also include the criticism which is often expressed by Aboriginal people.” (27/10/2015)

Class 1 Tutorial:

  • “[…] they are still a good institution, in L2’s opinion.” (03/09/2015)
  • “‘I love Aboriginal English’, L2 says, ‘If I don’t know somebody’s name I just call them [Aboriginal English word]’”. (03/09/2015)
  • “It was good for the children to see them there, L2 thinks.” (03/09/2015)
  • “She also tells us how she felt when she was reading a certain autobiography of a member of the Stolen Generations.” (10/09/2015)
  • “She also shares her opinion on and reaction to other movies with the class.” (10/09/2015)
  • “When talking about one autobiography she admits that she ‘sat up all night with tissues’.” (29/10/2015)
  • “In one specific autobiography she read it was interesting to see how the representation in the media differed from the person’s own account.” (29/10/2015)
  • “[…] L2 states that it is very important to speak out loud.” (29/10/2015)

Interview with S1:

  • “I feel comfortable going to my tutorial teachers and asking them […] their own personal opinion”

Class 2 Lecture:

  • “He describes the atmosphere as very friendly and open-minded but also points out that it is very competitive and difficult to get one’s voice heard.” (03/09/2015)
  • “He has also attended a different meeting on UN level which he repeatedly calls ‘very interesting’.” (03/09/2015)
  • “Afterwards he begins today’s lecture […] by stating that it is a very interesting one. Maybe not content-wise, he adds, but the topic is very interesting.” (29/10/2015)
  • “That makes is very boring and passion is rare, L3 says.” (29/10/2015)
  • “Going on, L3 often adds “in my experience” or “my opinion” to the statements he makes.” (29/10/2015)

Interview with L3:

  • “And that’s also from my interpretations of what the ehm the field is talking about.”

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