For the assignments of the two classes, the students have to gather additional information about their topic. All three student participants agree that they learned much through this research (Interview with S1, Interview with S3 & Interview with S2). In addition, L3 also grants his students a certain responsibility and freedom in their learning process. He relies on them to work with him (Interview with L3) but can also understand if they “do not want to come [to the final class session], especially if [they] have an assignment to finish or an exam to study for” (Class 2: Tutorial 29/10/2015). Furthermore, he gives the students the freedom to decide which aspects of the class or reading material they want to incorporate into their own knowledge (Interview with L3). Thus, they can choose information which has a connection to their own world or, as S1 puts it, “build [their] own beliefs” (Interview with S1)
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