
L2 and L3 both ascribe great importance to the issue of diversity. They both emphasise that people’s opinions (Class 1: Tutorial 29/10/2015) and perceptions (Class 1: Tutorial 29/10/2015 & Interview with L3) differ. In addition, different students may realise different things (Interview with L3) and consequently give different answers (Interview with S2). S2 notices that this diversity receives recognition in L3’s class through the equal value which is ascribed to all answers (Interview with S2). Furthermore, L3 attempts to use the “cultural diverse […] student population” (Interview with L3) by drawing on international students’ experience and trying to connect the rest of the audience to […] the diversity […] that lives in that classroom” (Interview with L3).

Because of this diversity, L2 gives the advice: “It’s always good to read more than one source.” (Class 1: Tutorial 29/10/2015).

Treating diversity openly recognises people’s background and creates a less judgmental environment.

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