Studis machen: Studienorientierung

Viele viele Studierende arbeiten motiviert in ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeiten, neben dem Studium, ihrem Privatleben, dem Nebenjob und und und. Die Möglichkeiten sich ehrenamtlich auf dem Campus zu engagieren erstrecken sich über Stugen, unzähligen studentischen Gruppen bis hin zu den Studienlots*innen. Und drei von ihnen haben sich Zeit für ein Gespräch mit uns genommen.
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Vietnamesischer Kulturabend im Theater der Uni Bremen

NEXT DATES: 26 & 27 JULY!!! A performance at the Uni's Theater organized by the Vietnamese student community of Bremen. Under the three guiding meanings of the word Hội: Integration - Celebration - Togetherness, the event is divided into four artistic and easy-flowing sections that are conceived to give a generational glimpse of Vietnamese culture and people.
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Summer of Festivals

With the best of summer coming closer, the festival season is in full swing! Here we put together a collection of Festivals and Open Air Events happening in June, July, and August. Plan ahead to secure your spot!
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My experience as a student looking for a new laptop and why I decided to rent

My laptop broke down…now what? This article features my experience as a student looking for a new laptop and why I decided to rent amongst other options like buying new or refurbished tech. You might not be aware of some student offers available, read to learn more about them.
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The YUFE Student Journey is a European initiative that involves students from ten universities, including ours. But what does this mean in practice? What does the aforementioned student journey look like and what does it entail? I took on the task of investigating it and attending the latest OPEN DAY LIVE SESSION. Here I tell you my findings.
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Writing the thesis – surviving and thriving

After finally choosing the topic and agreeing with two supervisors, your scariest, toughest, most life-consuming project of uni life is ready to start: hello Abschlussarbeit. Here’s what you need to know about writing a thesis.
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Warum Erinnern so wichtig ist – Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus

Seit 1996 findet jährlich am 27. Januar der Gedenktag an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus statt. An diesem Tag, 51 Jahre zuvor, wurde das Konzentrationslager Auschwitz befreit und zeichnet somit einen sehr besonderen Tag. Die Herausforderungen…


We spend the season in an overexposure of images corresponding to the Netflix holiday movie repeated endlessly, but have you ever wondered how these dates are celebrated in other places around the world? In this article we offer you a journey through the Christmas curiosities of different countries.
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I’M GRADUATING SOON, HOW DO I FIND A JOB? Ft. Career Center Workshop

As students at Uni Bremen we have the support of the Career Center to grab our hand during the uncertain transition into the workplace. Either through personal counseling or several workshops, cover the basics of your individual job search. Here's a glimpse into one of the many workshops offered.


Described as a culinary journey through three apartments in Bremen, dinner hopping is the suggested activity for anyone craving a unique meal, something different. Register for the next event and let yourself be surprised!

Frau, Leben, Freiheit – Über die aktuelle Situation im Iran

Wer im September 2022 und in den darauffolgenden Monaten die Nachrichten mitverfolgt hat oder auch bloß in den sozialen Medien unterwegs war, an dem kann praktisch nicht vorbeigegangen sein, was sich zu dieser Zeit etwa 4.800 Kilometer von…