
“Accessibility” describes the circumstance that lecturers and tutors can be approached by students with questions and problems. The word itself is used by S2 in the adjective form when talking about the staff of the Institute in general (Interview with S2).

In both Class 1 and Class 2 the degree of accessibility seems to be rather high as questions by students are readily answered during the lecture, even if they do not “directly relate to the topic” (Class 1: Lecture 01/09/2015) or if one student asks several times (Class 1: Lecture 27/10/2015). A question sent to L1 via email is also quickly answered (Class 1: Tutorial 29/10/2015). In addition, all three teachers stress that it is their purpose to help and support the students (Class 1: Tutorial 10/09/2015) and the students can contact them at any time (Class 1: Lecture 06/10/2015 & Class 2: Tutorial 29/10/2015). L1 and L2 even offer to negotiate due date extensions (Class 1: Lecture 13/10/2015) and grades (Class 1: Tutorial 29/10/2015) if needed. Consequently, both S1 and S2 “feel comfortable” (Interview with S1 & Interview with S2) asking their lecturers and tutors for help.

Accessibility is facilitated by the relationship which the students have with their lecturers and tutors as well as through the peer mentality. S1’s comfortable feeling, for example, comes from the fact that she “really connect[s] with those teachers” (Interview with S1). At the same time, the degree of accessibility also interrelates with the perception of the learning environment, as this quote from S2 shows:

“I think with the Institute, I think it’s a completely different learning environment. As such. I think you walk in there and it really is a cultural place and you could pretty much approach anybody and that would be ok. And the way they have barbecues and the way they have all that free food.” (Interview with S2)

Accessibility creates a positive atmosphere while a positive environment likewise encourages accessibility.

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