
In line with the valuing of diversity, people’s opinions play a role in the classes. L1, for example, frequently presents different people’s views and argumentations on the topics she is discussing (e.g. Class 1: Lecture 01/09/2015). This also includes critical voices (Class 1: Lecture 27/10/2015). L2 and L3, on the other hand, mostly include their own opinions and feelings (e.g. Class 1: Tutorial 10/09/2015 & Class 2: Lecture 03/09/2015). Doing so, L3 stresses that it is his personal view by adding “‘in my experience’ or ‘in my opinion’ to the statements he makes” (Class 2: Lecture 29/10/2015).That the tutors’ opinion is valued and sought after, can be seen in S1’s statement: “I feel comfortable going to my tutorial teachers and asking them […] their own personal opinion” (Interview with S1)

Furthermore, all lecturers and tutors point out aspects to the students which they find particularly interesting (e.g. Class 1: Lecture 27/10/2015, Class 1: Tutorial 29/10/2015 & Class 2: Lecture 29/10/2015) or liked best (Class 1: Lecture 27/10/2015). By doing so they emphasise this aspect and it might become more memorable.

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