Welcome to my research blog!

My name is Lee Eisold and I am a Bachelor of Arts student at the University of Bremen majoring in Cultural Studies. The anthropological research which I present on this blog was conducted in the frame of the self-study module for my degree.

“Making Knowledge Relevant: methods of teaching and learning in Aboriginal Studies classes examines how the content of two classes taught by Aboriginal lecturers and tutors gains relevance for the students. In order to avoid othering I do not compare these classes to any methods I encountered elsewhere in my educational career but rather consider them in their own right.

With this blog I attempt to make the process of my research – from finding a research question via receiving ethical approval, and gathering and working with data up to analysing my findingsaccessible and understandable for everyone. In exploring the blog, you can proceed chronologically, reading the sections of my research like chapters in a book. To do so, please use the tabs above (“About the research”, “Data”, “Categories” and so on). Alternatively, you can explore the blog in a non-linear way by clicking on the numerous links included on the pages. If a word or phrase is written in a red font, simply click on it to be redirected to a page which is related to this aspect. Thus, you can decide on which topic you would like learn more and which topic you skip.

Thank you for visiting and enjoy!