Hallo Bremen

First Blog:)

Actually I’ve been living in Bremen, or more exactly, in an unfamiliar environment for 50 days. This period is not a long time, but must be one of the greatest change in my life. I wrote nearly fifty emails and finally signed a contract for a suitable apartment within three days; I registered with the BSC and got my own tax ID number; I applied for a german bank card and finally got an IBAN; I went to IKEA to buy pans and bowls… Of course I also made a lot of mistakes, like I often took buses in the opposite direction, bought tickets repeatedly, could not figure out the bus or S-Bahn station, and got disconnected from the Internet because I took out my Chinese phone card, which was really annoying.

Life has never been so hard, but it has also never been so warm. I got help from a lot of warm-hearted people. When I arrived at Bremen Airport, I did not know that it costed one euro coin for using the luggage trolley. Fortunately, a lady offered to give me the coin so that I could move my three heavy luggages to the airport gate. The taxi driver helped me to carry the luggages to my Airbnb apartment. The landlady told me how to rent an apartment quickly and recommended Schwarzbrett Bremen to me– in fact I rented my apartment from it. Furthermore, she allowed to to keep my luggages in her private room when I had to move to another Airbnb room and even drove her car, sending me and all my luggages to the final apartment, helped me to carry all the things to the third floor, without charging me for fee. This kind lady also invited me to her garden afternoon tea. My neighbour agreed to share his WiFi with me when I did not have any Internet– I can not sign a WiFi contract because I do not have an ID card yet. I encountered so much kind people, and I don’t know how to express my gratitude to them.

I also try my best to help others. I helped a visually impaired old man find the correct bus door, helped my neighbour move the heavy trash bin, and helped a lost student at university to find her classroom (I don’t even know how I became a helper when I have a poor sense of direction haha)… I believe that kindness and love are conserved, and how much you give will be what you gain.

I gradually adapted to university life, from the orientation week, to course selection, to attending Seminar for the first time, and so on. I met so many friends from different countries and spoke different languages. Luckily all my teachers and friends accepted my poor German. By the way, I made a correct decision, choosing English as my second major, it really saves my life– Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof. I know, everything is difficult at the very beginning. I have just reached the foot of a big mountain. Climbing up step by step, one day I will be able to see the beautiful sunrise at the mountain top.

Of course, life in Bremen is not perfect. When it comes to the things that disappoint me, they are mainly the cumbersome civil affairs, the always difficult task of receiving a delivery (Thank God I haven’t received my delivery for a month and a half), and the cold winter when I rarely see the sun. However, I like my current life very much. Although I sometimes feel tired, every day is fulfilling and meaningful.


  1. Elisa says:

    It is always so difficult coming to a new place, and especially to a whole new country with a different language! It is so impressive what you are doing and it does sound like so much to organize and a looot of stress. But it’s so nice and I’m really glad that you met so many kind and warm people that helped you and were there for you!

  2. Emma says:

    I really enjoyed reading your text! It is very impressive that you came here all by yourself and it is so great that you found all those people who helped you to really set food here. It must take a lot of courage to move to a foreign country by yourself and I am so curious on where your courage is gonna take you in the future.

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