…let’s hang out a bit, shall we? I would offer you some tea, but I’m afraid I’m just a fictional character on a page you’re reading… But you could always make your own tea.
And I know you’re busy. Everyone’s so incredibly busy, all of the time.
Isn’t it strange how we created yet another god? I mean besides all the others we created over the course of history… We consult it for every little task we have, every little thing on our To-Do list. We let it dictate our day, our weeks our months. Our entire life is centered around it. But we don’t call it a god. Because to us, it just seems so natural. As if we are meant to life like this, as If there is no other choice, but to follow its principles. No, we don’t call it God. We call it time. And we want to control it so badly. We try to trap it using cameras. Because what are photographs if not the attempts to incapsulate a fleeing moment of time forever? We try to control it by writing calendars and schedules. We say we have it under our control, but what we do instead is submit ourselves under its reign. We let it tell us when to eat, when to sleep, when to work or relax. We offer it as a gift for our loved ones but get furious when it gets stolen. We tread it as a currency yet waste so much of it doing senseless yet seemingly important tasks.
Time is money they say. We must spend it wisely, use it to perform in the most productive way.
But do you want to know what I think? I think time is not a God to whom we must submit ourselves to. I think time is a valuable thing. Its beaty and love. Because without time, nothing would have any meaning. The flowers on your windowsill are only admirable because you know they will wither. The beaty of fall, the falling leaves and cozy evenings spent indoors hold value because autumn is but a fleeting joy we have after a hot summer. Every single moment is only worth something to you because you know it will pass. This is the reason its so heartbreaking for Lucy to hear, that it is always winter in Narnia but never Christmas. (Even though this raises the question of whether there was another Jesus Christ in this fantasy world, whose birth could be celebrated, but that’s beside the point.) I think we should honor time. We should be aware that it is a finite resource, and we should treat it as such.
Can I tell you something wonderful? You’ve created me. By taking a little bit of your precious time and spending it reading this text, you’ve allowed me and my world to exist in this world. Or at least in your world. If you stop reading, I cease to exist. But that’s okay. Everything must come to an end eventually. So, if you’re reading these last words: Thank you. And please remember to tread your time with the respect and admiration it deserves. Maybe take some time to watch the clouds come and go or the birds dancing in the sky. It’s worth it, trust me.
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