Einträge von Tania Berenice


Is it good to have plants in the bedroom? Not only is it completely safe to sleep in a room with plants, but also some plants can help to regulate humidity and purify the air, filtering out toxins and allergens, and releasing oxygen. They can also boost your mood and help you sleep better, plus they are a not so expensive way to upgrade your deco and make a personality statement. Here you’ll find a list of 10 amazing bedroom plants that you can fall in love with.

Flohmärkte Season

This week two Flohmärkte were organized within our university: the Familien-Flohmarkt in the Wuselhöhle and the Bücherflohmarkt in the library. Here you can see some pictures, but also read about my own Flohmarkt experience and opinions.



An account of the ecstatic evening that the Uni’s improv theater group (The Plot Twisters) gave us with their show “Brains Have Perfume”. Plus an ode to the art of improvising in general. If you haven’t been to an improv show yet, I highly recommend you don’t miss their next performance.