Author Archives: Anna

How to start publishing papers

Beginning PhD students are often desperate about this question: how to START publishing? Many universities pose very strict requirements on their students and want to see the first publication in the first year. This is not easy. Here are some … Continue reading

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How to publish more papers

Publish or perish: this is the dogma of today’s research. So, how to maximise your publication output? This depends mostly on your career level, so let us focus here first on master and PhD students, who are most desperate for … Continue reading

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Can I submit a paper to my own journal special issue?

I am currently serving as a guest editor for a special issue at MDPI. Some of my students got really excited: Can we submit something there? I am not really sure why they think this is a good idea and … Continue reading

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Wish post: how to make presentations

A student asked me recently how to prepare good presentations, “as in your lectures!”. Beside being really touched by the fact that she liked my presentations, in fact I do have some tips, which I acquired over time. You need … Continue reading

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If I ever have to teach online again, …

I will start with a session about how to efficiently and politely use the online tools. In the online lecture last week, I decided to use Zoom’s breakout rooms. The students loved it and I really think it is a … Continue reading

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My favourite book on scientific writing

I have found this book during an extensive search for books and materials on how to write papers. Its title really attracted me and I decided that if this guy knows how to attract my attention so well, he should … Continue reading

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Simple tricks to activate interaction in online lectures

The semester started late this year in Bremen – only on Nov. 3rd. In these weird Corona-driven times, we decided to go fully digital and are now running our lectures in real-time via Zoom. I was researching a lot about … Continue reading

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How I record my teaching videos

People keep asking me what hardware and software I use to record my videos (many of them on YouTube). Here we go: I have my own video room at the University of Bremen (NW1): I use two cameras: one facing … Continue reading

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