About Us



Welcome to the Network of Excellence in Advanced ICT for Tropical Medicine
This is a project supported by DAAD 2022 – 2025. We target to build a community and training repository around the topic of using advanced ICT for various problems and applications in Tropical Medicine.
Workshop and Summer School 2024
Workshop and Summer School 2024More information...
Workshop and Summer School 2023
Summer school applications online now! The...
Workshop and Summer School 2022
Our first workshop and summer school will take...
Develop Training Materials
Training Material
We are in the process of developing training materials in the area of ICT for tropical medicine. Here you can see a list of all currently available materials. They are shared under the CC-BY-NC (creative commons, attribution required, no commercial usage). When using, please attribute to the original author (listed in each training item) and the Network of Excellence in Advanced ICT for Tropical Medicine.
Press and News
From Research to Real-Life Application: First Outreach Award awarded by the University of Bremen
For the first time, the University of Bremen has...
July 1, 2022: Summer school and workshop 2020 in Bremen finished!
May 20, 2022: India Education Diary has reported about our network!
The whole article is available here.
Transcending Research Boundaries

Peter Haddawy’s work incorporates both computer science and medicine, and connects Germany with Thailand
“Science is always about new ideas, and it’s interesting how much these can vary depending on cultural context,” says Peter Haddawy. The computer scientist knows these differences first hand. After spending ten years at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the USA, he moved to Thailand. He began his work there as Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Asian Institute of Technology, and has been a professor at Mahidol University since 2014. He currently also researches and teaches at the University of Bremen as an honorary professor. A significant part of his work serves to strengthen connections: between the two universities, between different scientific disciplines, and between researchers and students.
Mosquito recognition and vector counts
There are many mosquito vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue, or Zika. It is essential to be able to control the mosquito populations, which requires reliable recognition of individual species in the wild. We are performing various research activities in this field, see the following publications.
Digital health applications
We are developing various tools to support the tracking and reporting of infectious diseases. Furthermore, we work together wiht hospitals to support them with digitalization of their services and processes, including disease diagnosis.
Medical training support
We are developing tools to support the training of doctors, inclduing surgeons and dentists. Methods include mainly state of the art visualization and virtual reality.

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University of bremen & Mahidol University
“Public Health Informatics: Where IT Meets Public Health”