Workshop and Summer School 2024

Workshop and Summer School 2024

Location: Haus der Wissenschaften

September 9, 2024


Time Title Speaker
10.00 Welcome and overview of the program Anna Förster and Peter Haddawy
10.10 Welcome from the Rector Jutta Günther
10.15 Keynote Benjamin Schütz and Hajo Zeeb
11.00 Example applications and projects, posters with coffee see sheet posters
11.45 Immersive Data Visualization 1 Gabriel Zachmann
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Immersive Data Visualization 2 + Hands-On Gabriel Zachmann
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Creativity and Agile Development Methods Rene Weller
17.00 Summary of the day Anna Förster
17.10 End of day
September 10, 2024


Time Title Speaker
9.00 Welcome and overview of the program Thundon Ngamprasertchai
9.10 Introduction to web-based and mobile application (WMAs) Thomas Barkowsky
10.40 Coffee break
11.10 Processes for developing WMAs Thomas Barkowsky
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Database design and management, UI/UX design for WMAs Thomas Barkowsky
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Criteria for software quality assessment Thomas Barkowsky
16.50 Summary of the day Thundon Ngamprasertchai
17.10 End of day
18.30 Social event (boat trip)
September 11, 2024


Time Title Speaker
9.00 Welcome and overview of the program Peter Haddawy
9.10 Intro to ML Peter Haddawy
10.40 Coffee break
11.10 Hands-on with Orange Peter Haddawy
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Intro to Bayes nets + Hands-on Peter Haddawy
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Bayes nets hands-on Peter Haddawy and Akara Supratak
16.50 Summary of the day Peter Haddawy
17.10 End of day
September 12, 2024


Time Title Speaker
9.00 Welcome and overview of the program Peter Haddawy
9.10 Introduction to Deep Learning Akara Supratak
10.40 Coffee break
11.10 Deep Learning-Python hands-on Akara Supratak
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Deep Learning-Python hands-on Akara Supratak
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Epidemiology: ICT must know Saranath Lawpoolsri
16.50 Summary of the day Peter Haddawy
17.10 End of day
September 13, 2024


Time Title Speaker
9.00 Welcome and overview of the program Anna Förster
9.10  Introduction to Internet of Things and its applications Anna Förster
10.40 Coffee break
11.10 Internet of Things Hands-On Anna Förster
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Sensors and network architectures Sensors and network architectures Anna Förster
14.30 Summary of summer school, evaluation and feedback
15.00 End of day

Our next events will take place in Bremen, Germany, as follows:


2-3 September 2024

Summer School

9-13 September 2024