A Website of Free Fitness Activities

Author: Megan (Page 1 of 4)

Alexandra Yaeger Fitness

Not up for downloading any apps, but still on the lookout for complete workouts? Hanging around on Instagram from time to time anyway? On her Instagram channel @alexandrayaeger, this inspiring woman posts workouts of all kinds, whether they are meant as full-body workouts or to train a specific part of  your body. You do not have much time for a long training session? Try out her three,  five or six minute workouts. In order to make progress, the session does not need to endure for hours. It’s the weekend and you want to get your off studying for longer? Alexandra Yaeger offers instruction posts on various 30 minute sessions.

Scrolling through her account, you’ll find some videos with her partner, synchronously working out. The synchronic rhythmic videos are not only very enjoyable to look at but also call for a challenge. Grab your best friend or your roommate, put on the song and try to keep up. Working out synchronously does not only look very cool, but also positively affects your visual-cognitive competences and your sense of rhythm.

What’s especially cool about her posts: They are very well structured and user-friendly. The head post always introduces the type and function of the workout and if necessary the tools that are needed. Note however, that many workouts do not require any additional gear which make them perfect for home workouts. In many cases the duration is mentioned. In the succeeding short videos, she demonstrates the exercises of the workout one by one. Thus, you will not have to watch the entire workout all again in case you want to refer back to one exercise.

Zumba with Caleb Marshall

Enjoyed your Zumba classes in your gym or just keen on trying out the fitness dance? The Fitness Marshall offers Zumba instruction videos on all levels. In some videos different levels are included simultaneously. What makes his instruction videos so great? While dancing the steps, he gives clear instructions and explains some moves by comparing them to everyday activities (such as cleaning the window).  He is also very humorous, which eases the embarrassment of dancing in front of a computer screen.

Ladder Challenge

Take two bottles of water (0.5l or 1.0l) or weights if you have them at home and prepare yourself to step it up with every repetition. In the Ladder Challenge, you’ll add one repetition more to your cycle. In this challenge we will alternate between biceps curls and dumbbell shoulder presses while standing. So what will happen is you will start with one biceps curl and then a shoulder press. Next round (immediately afterwards) you do two biceps curls and two shoulder presses and so on. Can you make it up to 10?

Short instruction videos on Biceps Curls and Dumbbell Shoulder Presses.

Virabhadrasana (The warrior)

Strong, Firm and Balanced. Apart from the Down Dog, the warrior is the upmost prominent Asana in yoga.

How to: Having made a big step you lean forward ankling the front leg to 90° and lift your arms creating a horizontal line on the level of your shoulders. Virabhadrasana is a great Yoga  pose reconnect with your body and the temporal and spatial situation you are. I advise to close your eyes take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. When doing so, you’ll realise you’re deepening into the Asana feeling the ground as your anchor. In this Asana you try to stay in as long as possible and then change the position of your feet. In this pose you work with your whole body, so it is not only very good for your back, but every part of yourself, physically and mentally.

Information retrieved from Yoga-Welten.


Utthita Parsvakonasana

In this Asana you stretch out one leg completely while the other is positioned at a 90° angle. You place the same sided arm on your upper leg and raise the other over your head, aligning it with your stretched leg to create a straight line. Stay in this position for 5-8 breaths inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth and then reverse the movement.

Information retrieved from Yoga-Welten.

Spinal Twists

In this Asana you activate all upper body parts by rotating your body. This is an easy exercise that can be done anywhere at any time.

How to: When sitting you lay out one leg (let’s say is the right one in our case) and cross it over with the left leg. Make sure to have the left foot firmly on the ground. With the outer right arm you push your left leg to the right and turn the rest of your upper body in the contrary direction (so, the left.) You stay in this pose for approximately 5-8 deep breaths inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Relax in the twist you’ll find yourself in.

Information retrieved from Redbull.

Cat and Cow

The Cat and Cow Asana (or in my order Cow and Cat) is one of the fundamentals of Yoga. This exercise is extremely refreshing and good, especially for your back.

How to: You start this Asana in the Four Point position (the two hands and the knees as your points). When you breath in through your nose you bend your back inwards with your belly pointing to the ground. Your head moves towards the ceiling meanwhile. When you exhale you reverse the movement pointing your back to the sky and the head in between your shoulders. You repeat the movement 12 times.

Information retrieved from Redbull.

Thomas Stretch

When doing the Thomas Stretch you can either lay on the floor or on an elevation such as your bed or the table (perhaps not as your mates might think you’re crazy). You grab your need and pull it towards your upper body. The other leg can relax. In this Asana, you try to stay in the stretch as long as possible.

Information retrieved from Redbull.

Sucirandranasana (Eye of the Needle Pose)

Well. This pose has definitely won the price in placing the most ‘a’s’ in a word. This knotty exercise is a great and easy one for your back.

How to: There are different ways of how to commence this pose. The way I do it is to sit up, place one leg straight to the front and place the other foot on the upper part of my knee and with a little momentum I lean back until my back reaches the ground. There are other ways of how to start this Asana. Do it like the way you feel good with and get a little creative and find your own one into this position. With your hands you embrace the leg that has been straight in the first place and you pull a little towards your upper body. Only pull as much as you feel comfortable. The prior straight leg is positioned in a horizontal posture. Your head can relax on the ground during this exercise. Try and stay in this pose around 5 to 8 breaths and then change the leg constellation and repeat.

Information retrieved from Yogabasics.

The Simple Bridge

When talking about the bridge, you probably would have imagined something different. The full bridge requires a lot of work though and should be acquired slowly. This simple bridge is a good exercise to start with and very beneficial for the back.

How to: Lay down on the floor and place your feet in an upright position.  Place your hands next to your body since this will give you extra support for the balance. You then move up your bottom from the ground, hold it for a breath and then lowering it again. I recommend to start with 1 set of 15 repetitions. When you advance, you might add more reps or even another set or two.

Information retrieved from Liebscher-Bracht.

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