Not up for downloading any apps, but still on the lookout for complete workouts? Hanging around on Instagram from time to time anyway? On her Instagram channel @alexandrayaeger, this inspiring woman posts workouts of all kinds, whether they are meant as full-body workouts or to train a specific part of  your body. You do not have much time for a long training session? Try out her three,  five or six minute workouts. In order to make progress, the session does not need to endure for hours. It’s the weekend and you want to get your off studying for longer? Alexandra Yaeger offers instruction posts on various 30 minute sessions.

Scrolling through her account, you’ll find some videos with her partner, synchronously working out. The synchronic rhythmic videos are not only very enjoyable to look at but also call for a challenge. Grab your best friend or your roommate, put on the song and try to keep up. Working out synchronously does not only look very cool, but also positively affects your visual-cognitive competences and your sense of rhythm.

What’s especially cool about her posts: They are very well structured and user-friendly. The head post always introduces the type and function of the workout and if necessary the tools that are needed. Note however, that many workouts do not require any additional gear which make them perfect for home workouts. In many cases the duration is mentioned. In the succeeding short videos, she demonstrates the exercises of the workout one by one. Thus, you will not have to watch the entire workout all again in case you want to refer back to one exercise.