Well. This pose has definitely won the price in placing the most ‘a’s’ in a word. This knotty exercise is a great and easy one for your back.

How to: There are different ways of how to commence this pose. The way I do it is to sit up, place one leg straight to the front and place the other foot on the upper part of my knee and with a little momentum I lean back until my back reaches the ground. There are other ways of how to start this Asana. Do it like the way you feel good with and get a little creative and find your own one into this position. With your hands you embrace the leg that has been straight in the first place and you pull a little towards your upper body. Only pull as much as you feel comfortable. The prior straight leg is positioned in a horizontal posture. Your head can relax on the ground during this exercise. Try and stay in this pose around 5 to 8 breaths and then change the leg constellation and repeat.

Information retrieved from Yogabasics.