A nice and easy exercise to engage with the left and right part of your upper body is stretch to both sides

How to: Stand with your feet a good bit apart. Don’t overdo it though. Place your hands on the upper leg of the side you want to stretch to and slowly move down along your leg. Should you feel like you are losing the balance, you can keep the hand at a certain point of your leg. There is no necessity to reach your feet.  As indicated in the pictures above, I for example feel more comfortable and confident on the one side, but not on the other. Parallely, lift the other arm above your head and stretch it to the side for as much as its comfortable. One thing, that I personally like to do is to close my eyes and grab for a non-existing pole (if this makes sense somehow). I imagine pulling this pole towards me. Breath firmly in through your nose and out through your mouth. Here, it is quite nice to reflect on your body. How do I feel? Where is it tense? I recommend to start this exercise with 3 repetitions á 5-8 breaths.

Information retrieved from Liebscher-Bracht.