myfitnesspal is an virtual log book for you to keep track of your fitness. On the front page you’ll find a summary of your latest progress. In other menu options you’ll find the categories to enter your nutrition and your training. In the nutrition log book section you will find multiple ways of how to note down the food you consume. Soooo, you will not need to type in every single gram in the log book. As your journal grows you’ll be able to refer back to some of your regular recipes or meals. You can set these in advance as well. When adding food to the log book you can scan the bar codes of the packages (unless you live package free :D). Going to a restaurant? Locate it with the app and select the dish you ate. No strings (hypothesing all the ingredients included) attached.

When adding your workout you’ll just have to answer three questions: How long and how many calories burnt (and the time of day). This information is mostly provided by many workout providers. The app then calculates your fitness statistics. You have two co-working statistics going on at the same time: your fitness level in a line chart and your nutrition in a pie chart (what a coincidence: a pie chart and my cravings for a pie now 🙁 ).

Want to get a hold of your fitness progress?

Click the following: