How the name of the app already indicates, the workouts do not exceed the time limit of seven minutes. 7 Minute Workout has a vast variety of workouts that range from chill stretching to HIIT workouts. Your favourite “7 minutes“ can be saved in the allocated section.  These workouts are convenient when time to workout is limited.

Ever had the idea to create your own workout. 7 Minute Workout guides you through customising your own workout. In your customised workout you will get the opportunity to choose between different exercises for all body regions combining them to a full body workout. After having chosen your exercises you can individually decide on how many sets you want to and how much time you give yourself to rest. In the pre-save overview the overall time and the estimated burnt calories are summarised. It’ll then be saved in your library.

In a further section, you can review your workout calendar, seeing what you been doing on a daily basis and and overview of your weight if this is relevant to you.


Are you going to take (less than) 7 minutes to download the 7 Minute Workout app ?