„Ähnlich wie das Bremer Institut für Bilderbuchforschung verfolgt auch das Namibian Children`s Book Forum das Ziel, Bücher für junge Adressat*innen sowie entsprechende Multiplikator*innen zugänglich zu machen und somit einen konstruktiven Beitrag zur literarischen Sozialisation und Enkulturation zu leisten. Während der deutsche Bilderbuchmarkt stetig wächst, vielfältiger und internationaler, gleichzeitig aber auch unübersichtlicher und schnelllebiger wird, liegt der Fokus in Namibia derzeit vor allem darauf, zunächst eine nationale Kinderliteraturszene zu fördern und zu etablieren. Als Herausforderung erweist sich dabei insbesondere die Kombination aus begrenzten monetären Mitteln und verschiedenen nebeneinander existierenden Nationalsprachen, die sowohl Produktion als auch Rezeption dahingehend beeinträchtigen, dass a) nicht für alle Muttersprachen Bücher geschrieben und gedruckt werden und b) die vorliegenden Bücher nur sehr begrenzt Verbreitung finden. Gerade in Anbetracht dieser unterschiedlichen Rahmenbedingungen scheint es interessant, sich einen Überblick über das bestehende Buchangebot zu verschaffen und dieses inhaltlich und gestalterisch einer genaueren Betrachtung zu unterziehen.“ – Elisa Hollerweger (Bremer Institut für Bilderbuchforschung)

Der ganze Artikel mit Bilderbüchern aus Namibia: BilderbuchBibNamibia 

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  • „The project is about to interact with each other academically and culturally but more on discussing our research ideas, share approaches, share expertise, share literature and etc.
  • We have learnt a lot especially in the field of research writing, and we have as well experience new things such as how inclusive education is supposed to be done in our primary schools. I hope our Namibian school system will adopt and exercise the inclusive education in schools as it should.“
  • „This is a great exchange program that most students will benefits from in both academic growth and social-life.“
  • I’m very grateful for this wonderful and amazing collaboration. It’s was a great opportunity, educative and worth lifetime knowledge.


  • Several workshops, lectures and seminars were held.“ „All of those seminars were very important to us as during the seminars we always listen to profound presentations from the supervisors/facilitators
  • „We got the opportunity to present our own research, listen and criticise each other on some research areas that were not clear enough and doing that really made us to think critically about our own research writing or structuring of ideas.“
  • Through this participation, I was helped on how to write a clear problem statement of my research, methodology starting with approach, the design and how to choose the right sample.“

School visits

  • I gained knowledge on how teachers can accommodate all learners with different education needs in their classrooms.
  • I learnt how teachers can allow democratic learning by giving learners a choice of what to get involved in. I learnt that learning is more fun and rewarding when learners learn what they are interested in. I learnt how we can incorporate technology to enhance learning.
  • I was impressed by all the school we visited. Classrooms are set up in a beautiful way. […] Learners are respected and know their rights.“

Non academic

  • „Our Bremen visit was not only about academic work/activities but it was also about socialising with people from different cultures, doing this also enable us to learn and know different cultural dances, languages, norms, foods, clothes, buildings and heritage history.“
  • Lifestyle in Germany is quite different from ours. People in Germany respect the use of public transports such as trams and buses which is very reliable.“
  • We met different people, from different countries like, Japan, Iran and Vienna. We once spent a night with them, whereby we shared lots of things such as cultural diversity, research ideas and we also got a chance to taste their typical food they eat in Germany. It was very interesting.“
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