• Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    I want you to take two bottles of water (0.5l or 1.0l) or weights if you have them at home and prepare yourself to step it up with every repetition. In the Ladder Challenge, you’ll add one repetition more to y […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    Strong, Firm and Balanced. Apart from the Down Dog, the warrior is the upmost prominent Asana in yoga.

    How to: Having made a big step you lean forward ankling the front leg to 90° and lift your arms creating a […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    In this Asana you stretch out one leg completely while the other is positioned at a 90° angle. You place the same sided arm on your upper leg and raise the other over your head, aligning it with your stretched […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    In this Asana you activate all upper body parts by rotating your body. This is an easy exercise that can be done anywhere at any time.

    How to: When sitting you lay out one leg (let’s say is the right one i […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    The Cat and Cow Asana (or in my order Cow and Cat) is one of the fundamentals of Yoga. This exercise is extremely refreshing and good, especially for your back.

    How to: You start this Asana in the Four […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    When doing the Thomas Stretch you can either lay on the floor or on an elevation such as your bed or the table (perhaps not as your mates might think you’re crazy). You grab your need and pull it towards your u […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    Well. This pose has definitely won the price in placing the most ‘a’s’ in a word. This knotty exercise is a great and easy one for your back.

    How to: There are different ways of how to commence this pose. The w […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    When talking about the bridge, you probably would have imagined something different. The full bridge requires a lot of work though and should be acquired slowly. This simple bridge is a good exercise to start with […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    This is the first step to mastering (the following) full back bend. Please only do it when you have thoroughly warmed up since the muscles can be damaged severely when doing such bends with cold muscles. 

    How […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    This is an Asana on the intermediate Yoga level. It requires prior stretching or warming up. Please don’t do this pose if you haven’t warmed up thoroughly before and don’t feel confident enough. For me this exerc […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    In this Yoga pose you will stand with your feet a fair bit apart. Move down with one hand along the same sided leg and lift up the other arm to create a vertical line. Look up to the ceiling/ sky or whatever will […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    No. This is not the real name of this Yoga pose. I am actually not 100% sure how it is called since my resource rather describes it as well. I named it “Angel of the North“ due to its similarity to the statue loc […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    A nice and easy exercise to engage with the left and right part of your upper body is stretch to both sides

    How to: Stand with your feet a good bit apart. Don’t overdo it though. Place your hands on the u […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    This is a simpler form of the exercise down below. In this exercise you have two options: doing one form after another or combining them as one.

    Shall you be more of the type “One step after another” you […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

     This is an exercise I do in between every single lecture. It’s quick and easy but very good after having sat in the same position for a long time.

    How to do it: grab your fingers and open your shoulders to re […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    This video by Addicted2Salsa gives you a step by step tutorial  for the basics steps and the right turn, two very fundamental features of Salsa. Also you learn how to dance with a partner. Although this might not […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    In the following video you‘ll be introduced to the basics steps of Salsa! Easy and clearly explained.

    Language: English

    Duration: 34 Minutes

    To be redirected to Youtube click: Beginner Salsa Lesson

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    If you are looking for a more challenging and tougher worker, Athlean X is your channel. These videos are really intensive and take a lot of strong will. The results therefore are amazing. So hang in and check it […]

  • Megan hat einen neuen Beitrag auf der Seite Active Inspiration during COVID-19 geschrieben vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat

    You can’t go to FitX (or your gym)at the moment? Then take it home. FitX is one of Germany’s biggest fitness studio chains having locations all over the country. No gym equipment need. If weights are need the Fit […]

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