von zap | Sep 24, 2019 | Partner Meetings
On June 14 2019, the partners held the final EffectVPL Conference in Cracow, which gathered more than 60 participants. The event was addressed to employers, public institutions, assessors, career advisors, researchers, HR practitioners, Lifelong Learning professionals...
von zap | Sep 12, 2019 | Partner Meetings
Our Joint Staff Training took place in Berlin from May 8 to 12, 2019. We met in Berlin for five days in order to work out the final shape of intellectual output O4 – the Training Module. Several representatives of each partner institution participating in the...
von zap | Aug 28, 2019 | Partner Meetings
In the course of our 3rd transnational project meeting, all project partners met in Bremen for two days. During this meeting, we discussed on-going activities, challenges and opportunities. Our main focus during this partner meeting was on the development and design...
von zap | Aug 27, 2019 | Partner Meetings
In August 2017, we met in Bremen for our 2nd transnational project meeting. Here, we up-dated each other regarding our project activities and continued working on our intellectual outputs. We especially put an emphasis on Manual I: VPL – Benefits for the Individual...