The Video-Community
The project is an online video community for adolescents at the transition from school to vocational education, for apprentices, young professionals and job-seekers, where they can show which crafting skills and abilities they have. This concretely means that adolescents and young grown ups film with their own mobiles phones or video cameras how they master certain crafting processes or how they explain certain interrelations and actions. The community platform provides embedded tools for media manipulation and augmentation. Members can create their own personal portfolio with their videos to apply for a job (demonstration of employability) as well as learners can organize themselves in communities of practice.
The development of the platform with its accompanying research focusses on the following central issues and questions:
- Does an informal video community environment contribute to the learners‘ employability?
- How is it possible to prevent potential Cyber-Bullying?
- Which design features enhance participation and the building of communities of practice?
- Is it possible to interlink the platform with formal vocational contexts?
A combination of four models and theories in learning and instructional design is underlying to the concept of Social learning, learning by reflection and analysis, collaborative learning esp. within communities of practice.
Furthermore offers the opportunity and the question for meaning-making with media (Medienbildung) as central position to mediate between the cultural practice of media appropriation in everyday life and the development of everyday media literacy on the one hand, and institutionally centered forms of appropriation like media education on the other hand.
- Breiter, A. (2004). Requirements Development in Loosely Coupled Systems: Building a Knowledge Management System with Schools. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS ’36), Big Island, HI.
- Breiter, Andreas; Welling, Stefan (2006): Ubiquitous Computing – Digitale Medien für allgegenwärtiges Lernen? In: Ästhetik & Kommunikation 37, Heft 135. S. 91-97.
- Kraus, K. (2007): Vom Beruf zur Employability? Zur Theorie einer Pädagogik des Erwerbs. Wiesbaden.
- Wenger, E. C., McDermott, R. & Snyder, W. M. (2002). Cultivating Communities of Practice, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Wolf, K. D., Rummler, K., Duwe, W. (2010) (in review). Medienbildung zwischen formaler Medienerziehung und informeller Aneignung von Medienliteralität, Bremen.