Writing Diaspora in the 21st Century: Medial Transitions in Postdigital Times

International Workshop   |   Complutense University Madrid   |  Organizers: Julia Borst (U Bremen) & Linda Maeding (UCM)


Thursday, 30 May 2024

Location: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Edificio A, Sala de Juntas

Friday, 31 May 2024

Location: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Edificio A, Aula A-318

Opening & Welcome Speech – 11:30-12:00

Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico, Dean of the Faculty of Philology (UCM)

Grzegorz Bak, Director of the Department of German and Slavic Philologies (UCM)

Nuria Sánchez Madrid, Research group co-leader GINEDIS (UCM)

Julia Borst (U Bremen) & Linda Maeding (UCM)

 Panel 1 – 12:00-13:30

Ana León-Távora (Salem College): Afro-Humorism in Post-Digital Times: An Anti-Racist Response from Spain’s Afro-Diaspora

Joana Passos (U Minho): Afro-Portuguese music in digital platforms. Controversies and current debates

Rosalía Cornejo-Parriego (U Ottawa): Writing the barrio in times of pandemic: Barrionalismos by Lucía Mbomío

 Lunch break – 13:30-15:30

Panel 2 – 15:30-17:00

Mourad El Fahli (Mohammed V University Rabat): Reviving Cultural Roots through Music: Exploring the Impact of Moroccan Music on the Moroccan Jewish Community in the Diaspora 

Kathleen Gyssels (Antwerp U): For the Cybermigrant the Cyber-rime is the future: Régine Robin and “Cyber-rime” as a new way of dealing with the planetary Jewish Diaspora  (online presentation) 

Cristián H. Ricci (UC Merced): Beats and Beliefs: Miss Raisa’s Digital Activism and the Quest for Identity, Integration, and Empowerment

Hanna Maria Hofmann (TU Dortmund): Zuhause im Digitalen? Zur Medialität (post-)migrantischen Erzählens in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur

Coffee break – 17:00 

Panel 3 – 09:30-11:00

Gonzalo Baptista & Nicolino Applauso (Morgan State U): Healing and Belonging in Black-owned Cultural Spaces in Italy and Spain

Ludovica Carini & Silvia Mazzucotelli Salice (U Cattólica del Sacro Cuore Milano): Unveiling Home: Embodied Imaginaries in the Non-Geographical Diaspora of Italian Afro-descendant Fashion Creatives

Kaimé Guerrero Valencia (FU Berlin): Entanglements of Diasporic Interventions

Coffee break – 11:00-11:30

Panel 5 – 11:30-13:30

Nelson Sindze Wembe (U Bremen): Transnational and Transmedial Ways of Being Cameroonian in Social Networks

Gisela Febel (U Bremen): Blackfeminism in France: What’s Going On?“  – The Post-Migrant and Transmedial Writing of Laura Nsafou (online presentation) 

Mohammed Muharram (U Bremen): The Mediterranean as a Narrative Nexus: Syrian Diaspora’s Transmedia Digital Storytelling

Lunch break – 13:00-15:00

Panel 6 – 15:00-16:30

Claudia Sackl (U Zurich): Poetry beyond the Page: Exploring the Poetics and Politics of (E)Motion in Contemporary Afrodiasporic Literatures from Germanophone Europe

Francisco Fuentes Antrás (UAM): A Re-Imagined Identity Positioning of the Diasporic Writer in exiledwriters.co.uk

Laura Piccolo (Roma Tre U): Rusia fuera de Rusia 2.0: diáspora, literatura y redes sociales

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Location: Goethe-Institut Madrid, C/Zurbarán, 21

19:30 Migrantenstadl. An audiovisual reading and conversation with Tunay Önder.(German with Spanish subtitles)

Afterward, we propose going to dinner together. Please note that each participant will be responsible for covering their own expenses.

Friday, 31 May 2024

Location: Centro Cultural Consciencia Afro, C/ Cáceres, 49

19:30 Velada literaria y mesa redonda con Yeison García López y Heidi Ramirez

Afterward, we propose going to dinner together. Please note that each participant will be responsible for covering their own expenses.

This conference is a collaboration of the “Digital Diaspora” Research Lab of the Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Research Platform Worlds of Contradiction (U Bremen), the ERC Starting Grant AFROEUROPECYBERSPACE (101110473, U Bremen) and the UCM Research Group “Normativity, Emotions, Discourse and Society (GINEDIS) (Complutense University Madrid)