Diaspora and (Post-)Digitality Imagined Communities in Cyberspace

Digital workshop (via ZOOM) University of Bremen
Organizers: Shola Adenekan, Julia Borst, Linda Maeding

28 August 2020 29 August 2020

10:00-10:30 Opening & Introduction

10:00-10:15 Opening

Session 1 – Chair: Linda Maeding

Session 5 – Chair: Julia Borst

10:30-11:15  Koen Leurs (Utrecht):
Smartphones as Personal Digital Archives? Recentering Migrant Authority as Curating and Storytelling Subjects

10:15-11:00 Antoinette Torres Soler (Zaragoza): Activismo digital, otredad y nuevas alternativas del pode

Session 2 – Chair: Julia Borst

Session 6 – Chair: Linda Maeding

11:15-11:40 Ricarda de Haas (Wien):
African Diasporic Literatures and/in the Virtual Public Space

11:00-11:25 Patricia Rocha Antonelli (Tarragona):
“Me quiero ir a vivir a España.” Argentinos y argentinas en proceso migratorio. Incursionando en Facebook

11:40-12:00 Gisela Febel (Bremen):
How to Shape Black Diasporic Identity in France by Reading (About) Literature – Some Remarks on the Influence of Literary Criticism in Francophone African Diasporic Websites

11:25-11:50 Adrián Menéndez de la Cuesta (Madrid):
Literatura en redes sociales como eje de la diáspora queer en español


12:05-12:25 Break

11:50-12:10 Break


Session 3 – Chair: Shola Adenekan

Session 7 – Chair: Julia Brühne

12:25-12:50 James Yeku (Kansas):
The Diaspora Inflections of Nigerian Live Streaming Cultures

12:10-12:35 Danae Gallo González (Giessen):
Afropunk’s Digital Imagined Community on Instagram: Politics of (Dis-) Identification

12:50-13:15 Elizabeth Abena Osei (Düsseldorf):
Wakanda Africa Do You See? Reading Black Panther as a De-Colonial Film Through the Lens of the Sankofa Theory

12:35-13:00 Carolina Falcão (Pernambuco):
A New Generation of Brazilian Political Exiles? Notes on Remembrance, Estrangement, and Imagination in the Post-Bolsonaro Diáspora

13:15-13:40 Break

13:00-13:20 Break

Session 4 – Chair: Gisela Febel

Session 8 – Chair: Julia Brühne

13:40-14:05 Johanna Vollmeyer (Madrid):
„Dystopische Diaspora“ in der postdigitalen Ära – Sibylle Bergs Roman GRM

13:20-13:45 Miriam Llamas Ubieto (Madrid):
Vor der Zunahme der Zeichen: hacia una poética diaspórica postdigital

14:05-14:30 Julia Brühne & Hauke Kuhlmann (Bremen): ‘Extended Diaspora’ –
Zu Vergemeinschaftungsphänomenen im digitalen Zeitalter

13:45-14:30 Concluding discussion

Conference languages are: English, Spanish, and German.

This workshop is organized by the research lab Digital Diaspora – Imagined Communities in Cyberspace of the interdisciplinary and collaborative research platform “Worlds of Contradiction“ (U Bremen).

With the support of:
DFG (German Research Foundation),
Institut für postkoloniale und transkulturelle Studien (Inputs),
Institut für kulturwissenschaftliche Deutschlandstudien (Ifkud),
University of Bremen.