On June 14 2019, the partners held the final EffectVPL Conference in Cracow, which gathered more than 60 participants. The event was addressed to employers, public institutions, assessors, career advisors, researchers, HR practitioners, Lifelong Learning professionals and anyone involved and interested in validation and recognition of prior learning.
During the event, the partners presented the products of the Effect VPL project, including Manual I: VPL benefits for the Individual, the Evaluation report covering the validations systems in Germany, Turkey, Denmark and Poland, Manual II: The role of Employers and finally, the Training Module for VPL Professionals. During the conference the biographical approach to the VPL process was presented and discussed with experts. Furthermore, the workshop methods were presented and tested on site. Besides this, the recently developed conclusions from the Berlin Declaration on Validation of Prior Learning were presented and discussed. You can find further information here: https://vplbiennale.org/berlin-declaration-on-validation-of-prior-learning/
All VPL professionals had a lot of opportunities for active participation in discussions, workshops, and networking. The conference ended with a panel discussion about the challenges of validation of prior learning from the perspective of the employer.
You can find the programme of the event here: http://www.wszechnica.uj.pl/pl/wszechnica_uj/projekt_effect_vpl/conference_effect_vpl_cracow_2019/