New MoleNet boards arrived!

The production and shipping took almost three weeks and finally, the new version of our MoleNet PCB arrived mid of February 2024.
After we achieved the 2nd place at “Das Goldene Plietsch” in 2023, we designed an ordered a new version of our MoleNet-PCB. It has some exiting features like for example:
- Based on the ESP32-S3 chip offering more computing power and require less energy.
- Built-in USB-C connector: No more adapters are required to connect to the board.
- With the Ra-01H shield, we have 868MHz LoRa-transceiver on board. It is based on the commonly used SX1276 chipset.
- More GPIOs and pins are placed on headers which simplifies debugging, precise power measurements or flexible adaptations.
- Finally, we have our debugging LEDs
- Also the Switchable SDI-12 connector is available.
Right now, we are in the state of testing and performance evaluation. We will keep you updated!
The schematic and further information can be found in our GitHub repository:
Also check out our brand new Mastodon account for further ComNets-related information:
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