iTunes U(niversity)

itunes_u_home_title.gifUpdated 06/10/07
Open Content meets iTunes: see it for yourself.

Browse the catalog in iTunes – there is a new category iTunes U available. A very sleek experience. Now let’s dive into the content.

I am mostly interested into educational sciences, educational technology and psychology by the nature of my teaching and research fields. So I hopped into iTunes U and had a good look. A bad thing is that you have to choose a university first and only then you can sort by categories, but maybe I miss something. iTunes U already supports audio and video. Being a visual guy I often missed the slides for all of the presentations, so maybe it would be nice to upload them at iTunes U as a kind of lesson booklet. (Update: some of the universities offer Audio, Video AND PDF files with the slides and additional material. Thanks to Helge for this tip!)

I found a few interesting courses:

So, this was just a short dive into iTunes U, but it is definitely worth checking out. If You are already providing iTunes U content – what are Your experiences? Please share! I am interested in this to learn, if we can use this as a cost saving infrastructure for sharing contents with our students.

2 Reaktionen zu “iTunes U(niversity)”

  1. Helge Städtler

    iTunes U. U wie You. U wie University….

    Im Chef-Blog hab ich grade gelesen, dass iTunes U nun mit Angeboten aus den gesamten USA online gegangen ist. Da ich als erstes natürlich sehen wollte wie das Ganze denn aussieht, habe ich es miir eben selbst angesehen und vier Bildschirmfotos vom An…

  2. YouLearning - Portale für Lernvideos (Teil 2)

    […] auf kurze How-To-Videos – m.E. eine sinnvolle Entscheidung, für Vorlesungen gibt es ja z.B. iTunes U oder die einzelnen Portale der Universitäten (z.B. hier bei mir an der Uni Bremen die Mobile […]

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