About Me

Hi everyone!

My name is Thu, I’m a 22-year-old Vietnamese who is now a student from the University of Bremen. I am an open-minded, humorous, sociable and emotional individual; a fair, creative mind; a global citizen. I am extremely passionate about discovering different cultures. It is so fascinating to see people from everywhere in the world gather in one place and share different opinions and personal experiences. There is nothing more exciting than being at a table with Chicken Tikka Masala, Schnitzel, Pho, Tacos, Tajine…Because it is the moment I acknowledge that not everyone uses chopsticks and eat rice three times a day like I used to do.

I look, observe and respect diversity. I take what I consider beautiful from each culture I encountered, learn from them and sharpen my personality. I stand for justice and fight against discrimination, racism and negative stereotypes. All these characteristics have driven me to the decision of taking cultural studies as my main subject for my bachelor program. 

My project is called „Cultural Diversity & The Youth„. To get a clear overview of the project, you can have a glance at this link. With this project, I have clear, positive goals for myself. I’m looking forward to getting into what actually „Storytelling“ and the goals of it are, how to carry out scientific research, how to use scientific methods on my products and how to make my scientific project interesting and attractive to the audiences. 

You can contact me via my university e-mail: thu@uni-bremen.de or via LinkedIn.

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