The Equatorial Guinean poet, playwright, and actor Recaredo Silebo Boturu will be the Artist-in Residence at the Institute for Postcolonial and Transcultural Studies (INPUTS) University of Bremen, for nine weeks in April and May 2023.

He will offer a theatre workshop as a block seminar, which is open to students of the University of Bremen who are interested in composing and performing on stage a theatrical piece. Boturu will conduct the course in Spanish, but knowledge of Spanish is not a prerequisite for participation. It is expected that a student assistant will be present to translate and students can help each other with language problems.

If you are interested, please contact Dr. Julia Borst (FB 10):

You will find the exact dates in the course overview /Vorlesungsverzeichnis soon.

If you are interested, please register in advance via StudIP or by e-mail (, so that we can estimate the number of participants.