Dr. Axel von Hehl

heads the Department Lightweight Materials at the Leibniz Institute for Materials engineering – IWT, Germany, and is also Visiting Research Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at New York University – Tandon School of Engineering, USA.
In addition, he represents the research field of Lightweight Materials in teaching at the University of Bremen and in advanced training seminars for scientific and industrial professionals.
If you have any questions regarding the content of the course, need further information or would like to give feedback, please do not hesitate to get in touch: vonhehl@iwt-bremen.de or avh302@nyu.edu

Noah Masuch

is student at the University of Bremen and student assistant at Leibniz-IWT, Germany. Together with his colleague, Fany, he is creating the Website Lightweight Materials 2, including the design and layout. Besides, he is creating the designs of the quizzes.

Fany Bowt

is student and additionally student assistant at the University of Bremen, Germany. Together with her colleague, Noah, she is creating the Website Lightweight Materials 2, including the design and layout. Besides, she is editing the produced videos.