Registrations are OPEN. Click here to register.

Travel grants are available for participants from developing countries to attend the conference. Please click here for more details.


  • Each paper should have at least one “Author Full Conference” (ACM/SIGCAS Member or Non-Member) registration (NOT a student registration) in order for the paper to be included in the technical program and the ACM proceedings. The sole exception is a student with an accepted contribution to the Ph.D. Track: in this case, the student can register with the student fee (Full Conference).
  • One “Author Full Conference” registration covers 2 authored papers.
  • Fees indicated below, include VAT.
  • The registration includes: Access to all Sessions, Conference Material, Daily Coffee Breaks, Daily Lunches, Welcome Reception, and the conference dinner (one ticket).
  • Student Registration Non-Member requires valid documentation proving registered student status (student’s ID Card or a letter from the Head of Department/Director of Doctoral School prepared on the notepaper of the institution).
Early Registration
Up to 25 July
Late Registration
After 25 July
Full Conference (Authors)
ACM Member €600.00 €750.00
Non-Member €750.00 €900.00
Full Conference (Student & Non-Authors)
ACM Member €400.00 €600.00
Non-Member €500.00 €700.00
Student €300.00 €400.00
Additional Items
Dinner Reception Ticket €90.00 €100.00