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Welcome to ´Ameisenstraße´. This is a Website created by two anthropology students from the University of Bremen. Its goal is to show you Bremen and introduce you to the infrastructure, to hierarchies of objects and places as well as to the power structures of architecture and urban planning.

You can choose either the ´stroll´ or the `tour´, which will be guided by us interjecting some basic information about the different districts.

If you choose to attend the tour, the concept and the history of each district will be explained. In addition to that, we will focus on differences between the districts and their structures.

The second possibility – which we recommend to do first – is, that you attend the stroll (digitally and visually) through Bremen. You can then discuss your impressions without being distracted by the information, which we integrated into the guided tour.

Each of these two ways give you the possibility to chat and discuss about the given content. We love to hear and read about your opinions and will participate and comment as well. So please share all your thoughts.


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