If you are interested in inclusive education, you may consider checking out the following projects and learning resources developed by our members and friends of the ReN:
the ILLS-PEC project: Integrating language, literacy and subject teaching in plurilingual and pluricultural education contexts
the Ellen project: Training students in researching the needs of a specific learner group by interviewing learners themselves
the ReMoDEL project: Real time monitoring of dynamic English listening
the SCALED project: Increasing accessibility in language education
the VINDOW project: Learning materials for inclusive foreign language classrooms/teacher education
the Path2In project: Features interviews with different stakeholders in inclusive education
the inklusiv.digital project: Learning materials for inclusive education
the media meets diversity@school project: Digital tools for students with dyslexia, on the Autism spectrum and students who are plurilingual
the TEACUP project: Learning materials for pluricultural and plurilingual classrooms/teacher education